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(A/N: italics are the visions of the past that Kaya sees.)

The sun hung high in the clear blue sky, its rays beating down relentlessly. The blazing heat and the muggy air in Mumbai left me feeling as if I was being roasted and covered in a layer of sticky sweat. My see-through Kurti clung to my skin, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. Today was meant to be a flawless day, but unexpected cases instantly changed that. Armed with our ghost-hunting equipment, Rihan, Andrew, and I decided we would survey the Vasai Fort separately, using our psychic abilities and then conclude which spot to investigate. "If you feel even a slight bit of danger, call me or run," Rihan instructed seriously.

"I can fight," I said in a matter-of-factly way.

"No, you are not fighting some local drunkard or drug dealer." He glared at me, giving me a warning. Well, he was indeed right. That would lead to a different kind of trouble.

"Chill, Rihan, we will be careful." Andrew intervened.

"we'll meet at this same spot in 20 mins," saying so Rhain went his own way.

I made my way into the fort, trying to figure out where to go. I looked around and spotted a man and a woman weeping. They seemed scared. They were looking around as if trying to hide from someone. I tried reaching for them, but they disappeared. Maybe it was residual energy. The place was filled with residual energy. 

As I placed a hand on the wall, my fingers traced the intricate rangoli(1) patterns that lined the pathways. The courtyards resounded with the laughter and rhythmic footwork of Lavani(2) dancers. In the blink of an eye, everything vanished, and I found myself back in the crumbling, lifeless fort. Calling it lifeless would be wrong. Residual energies of the past intervened in the very being of this fortress along with new energies, making the air feel heavy. 

A strange feeling seemed to draw me towards its deeper recesses. I moved slowly, taking care to avoid any potentially dangerous reptiles or insects that might be lurking in the shadows. As I ventured further in, I noticed an obscure pathway that was hidden from plain sight. Intrigued, I followed the path, which led me to a small room that appeared to be a primitive jail. The room was suffused with a musty, damp smell, and the air felt thick with the weight of history. I paused to take a deep breath, but the air was heavy and difficult to inhale.

My body ached, the dull throbbing spreading through every fibre of my being. It was as if a heavy weight pressed down on me relentlessly, making it difficult to even draw a breath. The pain seemed to intensify with each passing moment as if I was being struck repeatedly by an invisible force.

As I tried to make sense of the chaos surrounding me, I felt a pair of hands grab mine, their grip tight and unyielding. My heart raced, my pulse pounding in my ears, as the sensation of being restrained washed over me. Panic surged through my veins, and I struggled against the unseen force that held me captive.

Sinister laughter filled the air, chilling my bones and sending shivers down my spine. It was a haunting sound, laced with malice and darkness. Faces emerged from the darkness, their features twisted. Their eyes gleamed with malice. The scent of blood hung heavy in the air, metallic and sickening. I was being torn apart, both physically and emotionally. It was an agonising sensation as if my very essence was being pulled in opposite directions. My mind and body were at war, battling against the torment that surrounded me.

I felt strong arms embrace me, "It's okay...shhh," I slowly started regaining my senses back to the dark collapsing room. I touched my cheeks, hot tears were flowing down my eyes. I looked up to see who was holding me it was Rihan. He slowly wiped off my tears, "are you alright?" I slowly nodded. Still confused about what happened to me. "Do you need water?" he was still patting my head trying to calm me down. "y-yes" I stuttered, my throat felt really dry and I found it hard to speak. He calmly handed me a water bottle. I gulped down the water.

"Ayo-" we heard a new sound. "Kaya, are you alright? what happened?" Andrew came rushing to my side.  "Is she alright?" He looked at Rihan. "I think she tapped into someone's memory." Rihan sighed.

Case Zero : The Awakening  (#1 Paranormal Agents Series) |Ongoing|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora