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The rusted iron gates of the abandoned factory screeched in protest as Dev shoved them open. A choking cloud of dust swirled around us, illuminated only by the dim light from the setting sun filtering through the grime-coated windows. The air hung heavy with the oppressive silence of disuse, broken only by the rhythmic crunch of our boots on the cracked pavement.

"Ugh," I grumbled. I muttered, hugging myself tighter against the sudden chill I felt. This place felt like a forgotten tomb. "Gives me the creeps, worse than all those dusty books Rihan keeps shoving at me." 

Dev, stoic as ever, didn't respond. He strode purposefully ahead, his movements measured and efficient. His gaze swept across the desolate landscape, taking in every detail with the practised eye of a seasoned paranormal agent.

According to the frantic owner, a fire had ripped through the factory years ago, claiming the lives of several workers. Now, "strange occurrences" plagued the place. My stomach churned with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. This was my first 'real' mission with the Parapsyche Association, and despite Dev's suspicion about my abilities, I was determined to prove myself.

"The spirits here are likely pretas," Dev finally spoke, his voice low. "Violent deaths often leave behind malevolent entities like these, consumed by insatiable hunger and rage."

Pretas. The name sent a shiver down my spine. The name sent a shiver down my spine. Sure, Nyasa had mentioned them in hushed tones, comparing them to the pisach from some old book she was obsessed with, but that was just Nyasa and her weird fascination with anything spooky.

 This felt...real

As we ventured deeper into the factory, the oppressive silence intensified. The air grew thick with an invisible weight, pressing down on me like a physical presence. Dust motes danced in the fractured light, swirling something supernatural. The once-vibrant machinery stood frozen in time, a chilling reminder of the tragedy that unfolded here.

Suddenly, a sharp, guttural scream echoed through the cavernous hall. It wasn't human, but a sound that scraped at the edges of my sanity. My heart hammered against my ribs, adrenaline flooding my system.

"Pretas!" Dev hissed, his hand instinctively reaching for the daggers strapped to his thigh.

A dark wisp of energy materialized before us, solidifying into an outlandish figure. Its form was more of an outline but its eyes burned with an unholy red light. More screams erupted – a chorus of the damned – as a dozen more pretas manifested in the shadows, their hunger palpable.

Dev moved with lightning speed. He drew his daggers, the metal glinting like captured sunlight, and launched into a deadly ballet. Each strike was imbued with power, his aura crackling around the blades as he cut through the preternatural creatures.

My training kicked in. I clasped the talisman Dev had given me, the ancient script burning warm against my palm. Remembering his instructions, I focused my will, channelling my aura into the pocket knife strapped to my leg. It felt foreign in my hand, yet a strange sense of purpose washed over me.

Raising the knife, I lunged at a preta, its skeletal hand reaching out to claw at me. As the blade met its ethereal form, a sizzling sound filled the air. The preta shrieked, dissolving into wispy tendrils of darkness that dissipated with a foul stench.

Empowered by this initial success, I fought with renewed vigour. My movements weren't as graceful as Dev's, but with each strike, I channelled more energy and more focus. The factory floor erupted in a chaotic dance of ghostly figures and desperate struggles.

The air grew thick with the stench of decay and the acrid tang of burned flesh. The clamour of screams was deafening, threatening to drown out my thoughts. But I held firm, fueled by a mixture of fear and a growing sense of control.

Just as quickly as it began, the battle ended. The remaining pretas flinched, their forms flickering in uncertainty. Then, as if on cue, they retreated, vanishing back into the shadows from whence they came.

We stood amidst the wreckage, chests heaving, sweat clinging to our skin. The silence that followed the battle felt heavier than the screams that preceded it.

Dev, his face grim, surveyed the scene. "They won't stay away for long," he said, his voice husky. "We need to find the reason for their existence."

My newfound confidence wavered slightly. The pretas might have retreated, but the battle had left me shaken. Still, I faced Dev, my shoulders squared. "Then let's find it," I said, my voice surprisingly steady. "Together."

A flicker of surprise crossed Dev's face, replaced by a hint of respect. He nodded curtly. "Together," he echoed. 


this was kinda of a short chapter so I'm sorry but dw,I'll be back with a longer better chapter next week, Yess next Monday so until then byeee

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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Case Zero : The Awakening  (#1 Paranormal Agents Series) |Ongoing|Where stories live. Discover now