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Standing in the locked classroom, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The pounding of the door behind me echoed through the space. It was Rihan, behind the closed door. Before I could react, I felt a hard grip on my hand, stopping me from reaching for my waist bag. The entity's presence was apparent, and it filled me with a sense of dread.

With newfound energy, I focus my aura on the seeds and make them grow. In no time, thick vines emerge from my bag and wrap themselves around the obstacle. However, my moment of victory is short-lived as Rihan bursts into the room, his aura crackling with energy. He surrounds the entity in his aura, who screams in terror as a blinding golden light envelopes her. And just like that, she disappears into thin air. The excitement of the moment leaves me breathless, with my heart racing with adrenaline. The surrounding temperature slowly started getting normal with the entity's disappearance.

After he is done taking care of the entity, he walks towards me and squats in front of me. It was only then I realised, I had fallen to the cold ground. "Are you alright? " He questions as he examines me. To which I nod.

He gently takes my arm in his left hand, which now has blue bruises on it. Thanks to the entity. His right hand glows golden as he touches my bruised arm. I wince at his touch." Can you ever complete a mission without getting hurt? " He was still looking at my arm, which is now healed.

"Hey, this was my first mission." I rebuke. To which he just shook his head and got up.

"Can you stand up?" He asks, his hand extended towards me. I take his hand, getting back on my two feet again.

"So what kind of entity did we encounter here?" Seriously, dude, that's the first question you ask me.

"It was the which stems from a belief," I choose to reply rather than argue. "there was a rumour mentioned in the school report. That might cause the manifestation of the entity." He nodded with satisfaction. That's it not getting praised?

Disappointed, I follow him as he instructs me about cleansing the entire building. We would be saging the entire building. Before that, we had to open all the windows and doors. Then we went through the camera footage to see if anything was captured.

Once the tedious tasks were accomplished. We headed home. The car ride was extremely quiet. It wasn't like Rihan and I had nothing to talk about. I looked at him sitting beside me in the car. His furrowed brow and clenched jaw hinted at his deep contemplation. Instinctively, I extended my arm to caress his jaw, not giving it much thought. He trembled. 

GOD, what have I done? Letting my intrusive thoughts take control of my actions.

None of us said a word about it. It was so embarrassing. I wanted to disappear. The ride was long and filled with an awkward atmosphere. Without realising I dozed off. 

"Kaya?" I blinked twice as someone called my name.

I look around. Rihan? car? shoot I slept here. I wipe my face off of any drool. 

"We have reached" is the only thing he said. I got up quickly opening the door. I wanted to disappear as soon as possible. Rihan hand grabbed my arm stopping me in my tracks.

I turned towards him.

what was he going to say? 

My curious eyes scanned him. He coughed, "You can keep a spare pair of clothes in at the organisation they'll provide you with a room." saying that he let go of me. 

I didn't waste much time there. Thanking Driver and Rihan I walked away. Walking down the cold empty street. When reaching my house I quietly opened the door and slid in. Slowly making my way towards my shared bedroom. I take a change of clothes from my closet and go outside to have a bath. It was almost 4 in the morning. After taking a warm bath cleansing myself. I head towards my bedroom for a much-needed sleep. But I was stopped by my father who was questioned why I was up so early.

To which I blatantly lied it was for studying. "so bring your books here and study in the living room." He directed and I followed his words like the good daughter I am. Drowsyly staring at my textbooks trying to make sense of the text in there. 


I looked at the whiteboard lazily as the teacher scribbled some formulas on it. My friend elbowing me to keep me awake. The sir once again cracked a lame joke to which everyone started crackling. Their voices annoyed me. Any other day I would have laughed along but today I felt too sluggish for that. 

Three more hours. Just 3 more hours.

The day went on and I attended lectures like usual. Waiting to rush back as soon as possible. As the final lecture was over I rushed outside the classroom before anyone would catch me. I had always been a social butterfly but these days juggling my studies, classes, college, training and extracurriculars was draining me. 

"Kaya wait" I heard a familiar sweet voice call. Shoot it was her senior, Eka. Eka was the head of our college's dance club. I hope she doesn't stop me. "Hi Eka" she hugs me cheerfully as I greet her. 

a dark ally. the smell of raw flesh. as despair fell.

I pushed Eka. What was it that I saw just now? Eka seemed surprised. "Are you okay?" she looked at me with concern. My palms were sweaty and my breath was uneven. Maybe I was sleepy and it was getting me.

"I'm sorry, senior I didn't have a wink of sleep yesterday." I looked at her apologetically.  

She told me to head home and rest. I bid her farewell and headed straight to the organization. No way I'll get sleep at home.  



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Case Zero : The Awakening  (#1 Paranormal Agents Series) |Ongoing|Where stories live. Discover now