21 8 2

Cornered, my back hit the cold, hard wall. It was the second time in the day that I found myself in this position. Rihan towering over me. His honey eyes turned dangerously dark. His warm hands covered my mouth, stopping me from uttering a word. "Why are you here?" He whispered in a low voice. He was scanning my face for answers. Then he realized he was covering my mouth with his hands, so he backed off, walking a few steps away. "Follow me," he said. As he briskly walked, I followed him closely. He then walked to a window and jumped from there. We were on the second floor. Well, he did jump climb the 3rd floor to come to my house so I think this was no big deal.

I watched as he safely landed, then he signalled me to jump and he'll catch me. Well, I'm a parkour athlete. It's a piece of cake for me. I've taken the plunge from taller locations. I safely jumped off the window and landed on my own two feet. I could see the surprise in his eyes. Surprise Rihan was nice. Better than his usual stoic or annoyed expression. I would like to see this expression on him more.

"I'M into Parkour"

That's it, no flattery? Disappointed, but not surprised. It is Rihan that we are talking about.

"Where are we going? "

"You know parkour right? then this makes it easy....."

Saying that he started climbing the railing. To the side by building climbing it. The surroundings looked rather deserted. We climbed the walls with the help of pipes and windows finally reaching the top I could see Rihan's back. I walked by his side and saw what he was starting at. It was surreal it was past 6 and already dark.

With the sparkling city lights and gentle breeze, it was obvious in Mumbai that you could still hear the honking of vehicles and the harmonious clutter of crowds even this chaos had a certain type of calm to it. "Isn't it beautiful? "

I looked at Rihan his eyes still focused on the blinding light "Yes"

"Kaya please don't get yourself into trouble and once you learn how to handle your powers properly you will be able to leave the organization " he started back at me.

"You want me to leave?"

"It's a job lot of people wish to not associate with"

"What if I like it?" I had not realised it yet but I loved this JOB and place, of course, I was scared at the start but now when he mentioned leaving, I DON'T WANT TO.

"You have no idea about its dangers" his intense stare made me nervous.

"And if you do? then why are you part of it, Rihan"

He darted away, his eyes scanning the busy streets, there was a moment of silence, "Rihan, why do you refuse to tell me anything about you?" I tugged on his arm getting his attention back at me. I chewed on my lips nervously, "You are just a colleague" his words, hit me. It's possible that those whom I consider close may not view me the same way.

"Colleague, huh? Who drags their colleagues out here, to a location like this?" again he was silent. "If I stay or leave it will be my choice," I left without looking back. Rihan frustrated me. There are times he acts like he cares he is my friend but then instances like these where he refuses to say anything. "Kaya..."My feet froze at his call."I am chained to this organization, it is something I don't think I have a choice in"

"You choosing to be chained is also a choice Rihan...."

"I'm better chained than free..." at those words I turned around, his eyes held some unsaid words. What was going on? Andrew not being able to take missions, that almost dead girl in that room, Rihan talking about being chained. What was this organization truly about? Was it just some simple ghost-buster organization or a place that held secrets far beyond what I could comprehend?
"Kaya, I know your mind is running laps right now, but calm your horses," he walked up to me.

"That girl in there holds an entity that can never be killed" My eyes lit up with curiosity and I knew Rihan could see it exhaled, "come sit I'll tell you something" rubbing his temples."But promise me you won't ever go back to that room again" I followed him as we sat on the edge of the terrace, legs dangling and touching shoulders. The scent of sweat and dust along with the faint perfume of chocolate. I felt foreign, the city breeze the twinkling lights and the smog-filled sky. Kinda giddy with the ground not being under my feet but it was weird since it was not my first time sitting somewhere this high.

I was busy with my thoughts, "Kaya," I shifted my attention towards him "After this you will never go to that room."
"Okay" I said disheartened, I felt something calling out to me in that room, but now I don't think so I'll be able to explore again. What a bummer. "She is someone who used to work with us"

"then what happened to her," Rihan scratched his head."A pishach possesses her"

"YOU MEAN GHOST?" I exclaimed. Rihan massaged his head. "Did you read the scriptures that Dev might have given you?"

"He didn't give me anything to read"

His expression clearly said 'disappointed', "no wonder" He rolled his eyes. "Heyy-" he got up walking away" That's all you need to know," I ran behind him and caught his arm, "Hey wait that's it"

"I guess, oh maybe, Saturdays maybe I'll teach you? "

"ehh what? what will you teach me ?" my brows frowned.

"What are you a retard?"

"If you will use more words from your vocabulary maybe I'll be able to comprehend." I raised my voice.

"OH yess, YOU are not smart enough to handle my vocab"

"excuse me? Are you talking about your vocab of 20 words"

"Aghhh..." another sign, once more hands on his head rubbing his temples."I'm sorry to lose my cool, meet you on Saturday" saying that he left. Jezz that idiot. saying I'm not smart. His vocabulary is a grand total of 20 words. aahhh.... "Idiot Idiot Idiot"

"Well well well" I looked back, Rihan was standing there, His face stoic as ever, "no wonder I was getting Hiccups"

"so you also lack the word humour in your vocabulary as well? why are you here?"

"I'll drop you home," he said.

"NAH man I'll pass"

"I'll drop you at the train station"

"Don't be so nice to your colleagues"

"It's common courtesy"

"Haan Haan let's go now"


A/N: HEYY long time no chapter update yaya okay bye

Case Zero : The Awakening  (#1 Paranormal Agents Series) |Ongoing|Where stories live. Discover now