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As we sat across from Dev, his dark, brooding eyes bore into us, sending a chill down my spine. As Dev spoke roughly, his voice laced with frustration, the room became filled with an air of tension and his palpable anger radiated from him.

"What were you all thinking?" The sound of his harsh words echoed in the room, making my heart race.

I took a sharp breath, feeling the weight of Andrew's hesitation beside me. Nervously, he scratched his scalp, his actions accompanied by a faint sound of his nails on his dry skin. He attempted to chuckle, but the intensity of Dev's glare silenced him immediately. Rihan, sitting on my right, seemed equally uneasy, his gaze fixed downwards, avoiding any eye contact.

"Rihan, I expect you to be more responsible," Dev's voice held a stern tone, adding to the tension. Rihan's head sank even lower, his apology barely audible. "I'm sorry, this won't happen again."

"Andrew, you know you're not allowed to go on investigations," Dev interrupted sharply. Andrew's voice trailed off, his response filled with uncertainty. "Yes..."

Curiosity and a desire to understand prompted me to ask, "Why?"

The room fell momentarily silent, the sound of my voice hanging in the air. Dev's reply was swift and dismissive, his words cutting through the silence. "I don't need to answer that." Frustration welled up within me, but I knew trying to dig at that moment wouldn't yield any answers.

After an eternity of scolding, Dev finally dismissed us, but not before assigning us to write a report and a written apology. The weight of the consequences settled upon me, the feeling of being burdened with a task beyond my years. As we made our way towards the exit, Dev's voice called me back, breaking the silence. "Are you alright?" he asked, concern noticeable in his tone.

I mustered a confident response, trying to brush off the impact of the situation. "Yup, little things like this can't harm me." His eyes lingered on me, analyzing my reaction. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Well, Ms. Kaya Raj, you will go on a mission with me soon," he stated with an air of mystery before abruptly leaving the room. I didn't give it much thought, my mind preoccupied with what happened a few moments ago.

As I stepped out of the room, I found myself face to face with an annoyed Rihan, his frustration clear. "Don't go on missions with him," he warned, his voice tinged with concern. Confused, I asked, "Why?" Rihan let out a weary sigh, his voice hinting exhaustion.

As Rihan opened his mouth to speak, the sound of his words hung in the air. Andrew reached out and his hand closed around Rihan's shoulders, the pressure tightening, a sensation of crushing force. But Rihan stood firm, unyielding. Their eyes met, and the honeyed hue of Rihan's gaze bore into Andrew's, a silent challenge. 

Slowly, Andrew released his grip, taking a few steps back, his hands suspended mid-air, a lingering tension in the space between them. Rihan sighed, a sound of displeasure, and turned away, his footsteps fading into the distance. As his silhouette vanished, I mulled over his behaviour. Andrew, beside me, shrugged nonchalantly. Just as I was about to question him further, the piercing ring of his phone shattered the silence, and he hastily excused himself. 

Left alone, I contemplated my next move. I tried calling Layla, but her phone remained frustratingly out of reach. Reluctant to return home early, I decided to explore the corridors of the organization's building. Walking through the empty halls, a strange sensation enveloped me.

The vastness of the structure contrasted sharply with the scarcity of people. Besides Dev, Rihan, and Andrew, there will also be his sister, his parents, a few other agents similar to us, and a few individuals from various departments such as IT, management, medic, therapy, Caretakers and drivers. I rarely met anyone else. Most of them were young, like us. Layla mentioned that many depart the organization when confronted with severe trauma or when they yearn to establish a family, abandoning the demands of this profession. It made me wonder, who allows children to partake in such work? Layla, Rihan, and Andrew were all so young, around my age. I had met Andrew's family, but the whereabouts of Layla and Rihan's families remained a mystery.

Lost in my deep thoughts, I walked absentmindedly, oblivious to my surroundings. The dimly lit corridors were enveloped in an eerie silence, amplifying the echoing sound of my footsteps. A heavy, unsettling atmosphere hung in the air, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to prickle. As I pressed forward, the desolate corridors seemed to shroud the building in an aura of mystery, as if concealing untold secrets. The sporadic flickering of lights only intensified the uneasy ambience, casting long, ominous shadows upon the walls.

Engrossed in my musings, I turned a corner and stumbled upon a door marked with the foreboding label of "Restricted Access." Compelled by curiosity, I hesitated but couldn't resist reaching for the doorknob. Surprisingly, it yielded to my touch, allowing me to cautiously push it open. 

The room beyond was bathed in a dim, hazy glow. Straining my eyes, I was met with a chilling sight that left me stunned. A frail woman lay upon a bed, encased by towering glass walls. A wispy, black aura seemed to emanate from her, coating her form. The room exuded the sterile scent of a hospital, mingled with the pungent odour of medicine that tickled my nostrils. The soft hiss of air from an oxygen mask filled the room, as the woman's closed eyes and ghastly complexion conveyed an undeniable fragility.

Just as I was about to approach the glass enclosure, a sudden grip tightened around my arm, yanking me away from the scene.


A/N: Long time no see, College and my assignments have kept me busy so I couldn't upload anything. Anyway, I'll try to be more regular. Who is the person Kaya saw in That room? who is she?

Case Zero : The Awakening  (#1 Paranormal Agents Series) |Ongoing|Where stories live. Discover now