Chapter Seven

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(Caitlin's POV)

The idea of possibly getting to share consciousness with Killer Frost had kept me awake all night, but I hardly felt the lack of sleep as I walked into the cortex with coffee for myself and everyone else.

Barry's help meant a lot to me. He was there for me when I wasn't ready to let anyone else in. He wasn't even overly pushy about me telling the team what was going on. His break up with Iris had to be weighing on him. That along with taking care of Nora, his Flash duty, and working at the CCPD had to be exhausting. Barry seemed to be handling everything well though. At least he seemed like he was, that didn't mean he actually was. It made his help even more important to me.

It's not like I hadn't noticed how handsome Barry was before. I also noticed that I wasn't as sad about him breaking things off as Iris as I probably should have been. I blushed dark red as my thoughts went wayward and the thought of dating him popped into my head. Who was I kidding? Barry wasn't ever going to date me. He was happily married to Nora's mom in the future. That and we were colleagues. Just colleagues.

I sighed and looked down, surprised to see a note from Killer Frost on our notebook. When did she have time to write that? It felt like I had only just sat down.

Caity, you have more of a chance with Barry than you think. Do you know how long it took him to get to your apartment when he thought you were hurt? Less than a minute. He likes you.


I rolled my eyes before I answered her out loud.

"Even if we liked each other, it doesn't mean that anything will come of it. He just broke things off with Iris and divorce is a long process." I said, letting out a weary sigh. I looked down and there was already another response on the page. I was a little shocked, but in a good way. Something I had taken the other day must have been working at least a little bit.

You'll never know unless you give it a try. Besides, Nora told you last night that Iris isn't her mom. Who's to say that you aren't her mom?


"I hardly think I'm her mom, Frost. You're being ridiculous, she doesn't even look like me." I scoffed.

Did you really look at Nora? I did. She has your smile. Your nose. Your facial structure.


"What, you took a good look at her and got all of that from last night?" I huffed, throwing my hands up in exasperation.

"Who got all of what from last night?" I jumped, turning to see Barry and Nora walking into the cortex. Maybe talking to Killer Frost out loud wasn't the best idea.

"Morning, Caitlin!" Nora seemed a little less chipper than usual. I made a mental note to talk to her about that later. Barry was still giving me a curious look.

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