Chapter Twenty-Five

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(Nora's POV)

"Who's testing this baby out first?" Uncle Cisco asked as I walked into the speed lab. Mom, Dawn, and Dad were standing on the other side of the computers, opposite Uncle Cisco. The dagger that Uncle Cisco made was between them.

"Shouldn't it be taking our powers already?" Dad asked, looking confused. He turned to see me walking in and looked even more confused. "Where did you just come from?"

"I was in the cortex." I lied, shrugging. He looked like he wanted to say something but Uncle Cisco started talking again.

"I made it so that it has to be activated before it can drain anyone's powers." Uncle Cisco grinned. "So, who wants to go first?"

"Me." Dawn and I said at the same time. We were surprised to hear dad also chiming in at the exact same time. We all turned to look at each other. Dad shook his head.

"I'm not about to let you test this thing out first." He said, glaring at me. "Dawn, you don't even have a reason to be testing it out."

"I just wanted to be included." Dawn shrugged. "Okay, so dad tries it first, everyone else needs to be in a safe spot so your powers aren't drained."

"Aye Aye, captain." I laughed, moving to follow her out of the room. Mom was close behind.

"Go to the pipeline, it's the furthest away from the speed lab!" Uncle Cisco called out. I gave him a thumbs up. Dawn grabbed mom and we both used super speed to get to the pipeline. I used the com system in the building to let Uncle Cisco know we were all clear.

"Good to go." I said through the com. He didn't reply. I sat down on the floor, leaning back against the wall.

"You seem chipper." Mom said, taking a seat on the ground beside me. I smiled, ignoring the look that Dawn was giving me across the room.

"I had a date planned with this girl I liked," I started, noticing how mom's eyes went wide. I stopped instantly. "What?"

"Nothing!" She gasped quickly. "I just didn't know we were on the dating stage."

"Oh." I said softly. "Sorry, I thought it bothered you that it was a girl."

"Not at all!" Mom said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"I have a girlfriend." Dawn chimed in, her cheeks flushing a little. "We actually got back together before I left to come pick up Nora."

"That's good!" Mom grinned. "Why weren't you two together?"

"Story for another time." Dawn shrugged, gesturing for me to continue with my story.

"Right." I nodded. "I had a date planned and it was for Saturday."

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