Chapter Forty-One

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(Nora's POV)

"Are you sure you two are ready?" Mom asked. She and dad had gotten through to grandma Tannhauser so that we could get the atomizer. Once they distracted Grace, it would be up to us to convince little Grace to choose a lighter path. No pressure or anything.

"I'm nervous." Dawn said. "But I am confident that we can actually help Grace this time. Convince her to take the cure."

"I think you can." Mom said, then she frowned. "Let me rephrase that. I know you can."

"Thank you, mom." I said, moving around the desk in the cortex to hug her. "I am going to miss you so much."

"You have me in the future." Mom laughed, but she hugged me close anyway.

"It's a little different." Dawn said and even without looking back at her I could tell that she was shrugging.

"You still have me though." Mom said. "You have me right now and you have me in the future. I'm not going anywhere."

I pulled back and smiled, letting Dawn take my place so that she could hug mom. Dad walked in the Flash suit, holding the atomizer then.

"We're all set. I have Joe and a few officers at the CCPD on standby just in case things go south." He said.

"This is it." I said, looking over at Dawn.

"No matter what happens tonight, I want you both to know that I am beyond proud of you and so grateful for all of the help that you have given this team." Dad said, opening his arms. Dawn and I wasted no time in rushing over to hug him. I felt mom move in behind us to join the hug. "I love you two."

"Three." Mom said, clearing her throat. I laughed, pulling back from the hug.

"Okay. Let's do this." I said with a nod.

"Alright." Dad said. "Once it's clear, I'll give the signal and then you two and Cisco can open a breach to the cabin."

"Sounds like a plan." Uncle Cisco said, walking into the cortex. "Be safe, man."

"Always am." Dad said, patting Cisco on the back. "Keep my girls safe."

"You have my word." Uncle Cisco replied, pulling dad into a hug. "Now get out of here so we can get this show on the road."

Dad leaned in to kiss mom, hugging her close before he was gone in a flash of lightning, leaving Dawn and I alone in the cortex with mom and Uncle Cisco.

"Do you two know what you're going to say this time?" Uncle Cisco asked, looking between Dawn and I. We shared a look.

"Not really." Dawn answered, looking back over at him.

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