Chapter Eighteen

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(Barry's POV)

"I know." I sighed, letting my head fall into my hands. I missed the look on Caitlin's face.

"You know?" Caitlin hissed out. I looked up at her in surprise. I wasn't expecting her to be upset. She peaked over at the girls, making sure they were still asleep before she turned back on me. "Like how you knew that Iris's wasn't Nora's mom?"

It dawned on me what she was saying here. She thought I had known for a while and had been keeping the information from her.

"Oh god, Cait. No." I said quickly. I stood from where I had been sitting next to the bed, making my way over to her so I could put my hands on her shoulders. I was relieved when she didn't pull back. "It's not like that, I swear."

"Then what is it like? To me it looks like you knew that I was their mother and you didn't say a word." She said, glaring at me. The roots of her hair were turning white as she spoke, but her eyes were a soft brown still. Even if she was yelling at me.

"I knew." I winced, hurrying to continue so that she didn't have time to jump to conclusions. "I just found out this morning. Dawn accidentally let it slip."

I watched as her entire demeanor seemed to soften.

"So you didn't ask me out because you knew I was the mother of your daughters?" She asked, looking away from me. I frowned, gently turning her face back to me by her chin.

"I wouldn't do that to you." I said as sincerely as I could. "I asked you out because at some point between you taking the serum and me coming to your apartment to help you through the reaction it caused, I realized I was falling in love with you."

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed the deep red that I was coming to adore.

"You're falling in love with me?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. I nodded, smiling at her.

"Yes, I am." I said, watching a grin grow on her face. She pulled me in and kissed me hard. I kissed back just as passionately. When we pulled back she had a soft look on her face.

"I think I'm falling in love with you too, Barry Allen." She said, leaning in to kiss me again.

"Good." I smirked. "I would hate to be the only one falling in love here."

She laughed, but our moment was interrupted when Oliver made his way over to us, calling out for me.

"Excuse me, Cait." I said, pulling myself out of her arms regretfully. I made my way over to Oliver, pulling him back out of the room, knowing that I was going to end up being too loud. I didn't want to wake the girls, they had been through enough today.

"I'm so sorry." Oliver spoke up instantly, seeming as if he was searching for the right words. "I don't know what else to say. It was never my intention to let your daughter get hurt."

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