Chapter Twenty-Six

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(Caitlin's POV)

A month had gone by and I was no closer to figuring out my and Killer Frost's problem. Team Flash was no closer to figuring out a way to stop Cicada either, even with the help of Nora and Dawn. They were pouring over the case files repeatedly, trying to catch even the smallest detail they missed. They enlisted the help of Joe and Iris at one point too. Nothing. The files held out key information on how we caught Cicada.

There was a problem that could be solved though. Cisco's hands weren't healing properly, meaning he couldn't vibe. He could but not well enough to get us any answers we might need to help with our big bad. So I looked over his hands again.

"There are tiny shards of shrapnel stuck in your hands." I said, looking up from the results of the scan I done on his hands again. "I can take them out for you right now, if you'd like."

"Please." Cisco nodded, taking a seat at one of my smaller desks. I could use it as an operating table as long as I cleaned it well enough.

"Okay, let me get everything ready and then I can fix your hands." I smiled down at him. I gathered everything I needed and got to work on removing the shrapnel shards. When we were finished I bottled up all of the tiny pieces of metal and presented them to Cisco. "Your souvenir."

"Great, I love it." He laughed, getting up and leaving the room with his shards. I grinned, watching him go. I started to clean up when I suddenly felt arms around my waist. One good thing came from this past month. The ability for Barry and I to grow closer.

We had gone on several dates, made out twice, and had dinner with Joe and Cecile, with and without the girls.

"Hey, beautiful." Barry whispered, leaning in to kiss the side of my neck. I hummed, moving my head so he had more room to work with.

"Hey yourself, handsome." I replied, twisting in his arms so I could kiss him properly.

"The girls wanted to make you dinner tonight." He said once we had pulled back. "I want you to spend the night."

"This is huge!"

Except for the fact that it wasn't. This was not the first time that Barry and I had slept in the same bed. We had before, right after I took the serum to fix Killer Frost and myself. Another time just two short weeks ago when we were going over plans on how to stop Cicada and brainstorming on how to keep me from 'melting'.

Sleeping in the same bed as Barry didn't seem so daunting.

"Do you, now?" I asked, smiling up at him.

"I do." Barry nodded. "Something about waking up and seeing you just does something for me."

I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked away when he let out a soft laugh.

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