Chapter Twenty-Three

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(Dawn's POV)

We all met up at S.T.A.R. Labs the next morning. I didn't have time to do more research, but I could give them what I had so far.

"Who was that?" Uncle Cisco asked the second we all settled in. Nora looked over at me and the both of us let out a sigh.

"His name is Orlin Dwyer." I answered. "He's Cicada."

"Cicada." Mom nodded. "Like the sound his mask was making when he breathed. It sounded like Cicadas."

"Exactly." I nodded. "That's how he got his name."

"How did he take our powers away like that?" Dad asked, looking between Nora and I in confusion.

"It was the dagger." Nora said. "He was hit when I helped you take down the satellite. The dark matter affected him. He isn't a meta though."

"Meta tech!" Uncle Cisco gasped, pointing at the two of us. "When the satellite fell, it affected the tech it hit, infusing it with dark matter!"

"Correct." I agreed. "There is one small problem though."

"What?" Dad asked quickly, looking concerned.

"So, in all of the files I read over, along with everything I learned at the Flash Museum-"

"There's a Flash Museum?" Uncle Ralph cut in, looking between me and Nora.

"Yeah, it has every villain that the Flash ever fought. It's filled with stories of Vibe, Killer Frost, Elongated Man, and the Flash." Nora nodded, turning back to me.

"Right, well, with everything that is in the museum and the case files, never has it said anywhere that the dagger affected you, mom." I said, turning to her. She looked back with wide eyes.

"It did though." She replied, clearly confused.

"I watched her powers get pulled like the rest of ours." Dad said, just as confused.

"You could see the energy get pulled into the dagger?" I asked, moving to take a seat in one of the empty computer chairs.

"Well, no. I didn't see her energy get pulled the way I saw it get pulled from myself, Cisco, and Ralph." Dad answered, reaching a hand up to rub at the back of his neck.

"Exactly." I said, turning back to mom. "It makes no sense that it never affected you before, but it did now."

"Fear." Nora piped up, looking between mom and I. "It could be psychological. It was the first time you let Killer Frost take over since what happened with DeVoe."

"I was a little freaked out when the energy was sucked from everyone around me, it did remind me of what happened a little. I just got Killer Frost back, I don't want to lose her again, even just temporarily." Mom sighed.

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