Chapter Thirteen

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(Nora's POV)

"Are we heading back to the loft now?" I asked, throwing my napkin down in the pile of wrappers in front of me. Dawn had a similar pile in front of her, though it was much bigger than mine. Most likely because she was a full speedster, unlike myself. I was only half speedster. Speed from my dad and ice powers from Killer Frost herself. Though I didn't use them very often.

"Yeah, we probably should." Dawn said, letting out a sigh. "Please tell me dad has ice cream back at the loft."

"He definitely does. He has two tubs of it. I think one belonged to Aunt Iris before she moved out." I laughed, standing from the table. I started to gather my trash.

"About that," Dawn started softly. "How are you?"

She reached out for my hand but I was quick to pull it back.

"I'm okay, really. I understand why everything had to happen the way it did, so I apologized to dad. I'm not even mad anymore." I continued to gather my trash from the table, bringing it over to the garbage to dispose of it.

"I just wanted to make sure, Nor." Dawn said, standing from the table to start taking care of her own trash pile. "I'm your big sister, it's my job to protect you. Not just from the physical stuff, the emotional stuff too."

"I know and as your sister I want to do the same in return. I especially want to protect you from things like heartbreak." I said, coming to help her finish up cleaning. "That means that if Jesse hurts you again, I'm going to hurt her right back."

"Not severely, please." Dawn laughed softly. "If it happens again though, I will be helping you hurt her."

"Good." I nodded. My phone started to buzz so I pulled it from my pocket to see who it was. Dawn leaned over the table to take a peak as well.

"You gave dad your number?" She asked, staring at the bright 'Barry Allen' that was blinking on my screen. I had a feeling this wasn't just some courtesy call.

"Yeah, to make sure that he could get a hold of me if he needed to." I nodded. I swiped to answer the call before it went to voicemail. "Hey, dad."

"We need to talk. Right now. Dawn needs to be here too." I looked over at Dawn, my eyes widening in shock. I watched as her eyes widened as well. She didn't even know what was going on!

"He knows you're here." I informed her, watching her jaw drop.

"You didn't tell him I was coming?" She snapped, pointing an accusing finger at me.

"I forgot!" I snapped back, slapping her finger away from me. She gasped in outrage, cradling her hand to her chest.

"I can still hear you!" I winced at dad's tone. He was definitely upset. "Get home, Nora."

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