Chapter Eleven

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(Nora's POV)

After I had explained everything to papa Joe, I pulled my phone out to text Dawn.

Nora//7:15am: Hey Danny, anytime you want to come would be great.

I felt like I waited forever for a reply, but it never came. Had I fucked the timeline up after all and suddenly my sister no longer existed? I opened the text messages between my dad and I, my hands shaking a little as I typed.

Nora Allen//7:27am: Is Dawn alright? She isn't texting back.

Dad//7:28am: She's okay, Nora. She just spent the night at Jesse's. She's talking with mom right now, she has some mixed feelings on everything.

I breathed out a sigh of relief after reading his message.

Nora Allen//7:29am: Thank God. I was so worried I had fucked the timeline up.

Nora Allen//7:29am: That she was stuck in time* Is what I meant.

Nora Allen//7:30am: That she had been running back here and got lost in time or something.

I slapped my own forehead. Great. Now he knew for sure that I had done something I wasn't supposed to.

Dad//7:30am: Nora Allen, what did you do?!

Nora Allen//7:31am: It wasn't anything serious! I swear!

Dad//7:31am: Spill.

Nora Allen//7:32am: I wanted to help you and mom get together faster, so I wrote a note, but then I realized that it was a bad idea so I took it with me to the loft and burned it before the two of you ever saw it.

It wasn't long after I had sent the text that my phone had started ringing. I looked down at the contact photo of my dad and I and sighed. I was such a disappointment. I knew he was mad. I couldn't even get home on my own, he had to send Dawn to come pick me up. My eyes watered as I answered the call.

"Hey dad! I just left papa Joe's house. What's up?" I tried to keep my voice as even as I could, but I knew I hadn't done as good of a job as I had hoped.

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