Chapter Thirty-Four

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(Dawn's POV)

My phone started buzzing from its spot on the kitchen counter. After Nora and I had taken a nap, she forced me to get up and make us some food. Nora couldn't cook to save her life. No matter how many times dad and I had tried to teach her, Nora just couldn't catch on. She could mix chemicals like it was nothing though.

It just didn't make any sense.

"Are you going to answer that?" Nora asked, looking up from where she was scrolling on her own phone.

"Chill." I said, rolling my eyes. I picked up my phone, swiping to answer it when I saw that it was mama Cecile. Hopefully she had good news.

"Dawn!" She huffed. "What took you so long?"

"I was cooking." I shrugged. Then I remember she couldn't see me. "What's up?"

"Joe and I talked to Ambres. She's going to talk to Orlin tonight and set up a meeting with him. She'll call me when she has the time and place." She explained.

"Awesome!" I grinned, looking up at Nora. She looked confused. "Call us when you have the info, I'll make sure to update dad."

"Alright, sweety, talk to you later." She ended the call. I quickly set my phone on the counter.

"Why do you seem so excited? Was that Jesse?" Nora was grimacing. I rolled my eyes at her again.

"That was mama Cecile, Ambres is setting up a meeting with Orlin tonight. Once she has the time and place, she is going to pass the information along to us." I said, moving to check on the food.

"Sweet!" Nora said. "That means we can leave soon."

"Is that all you're excited about?" I frowned. "I have gotten a little attached to the people here."

"We have them in our time too." Nora shrugged. "I have been here longer than you, I'm more than ready to go home."

"I guess you're right." I nodded. "You have been here a while."

"I am going to miss everyone, but they are almost exactly the same in our time, just older." Nora hummed.

"Yeah, they are." I agreed. "Here's to going home." I reached over and slid a glass of water across the counter to her. We clicked our glasses together, grinning.

"Here's to going home." She replied.

(Barry's POV)

I woke up to an empty bed and it felt oddly like deja vu.

"Cait?" I called out, looking around the room. It was too dark to really see anything.

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