Chapter Forty-Two

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(Dawn's POV)

Grace had gone up to an amazing foster family in Keystone. The cryo-atomizer was returned to Tannhauser Industries. We didn't have anything left here for us except to say goodbye to the family that we would be returning to in seconds once we ran back to the future.

"We have a small surprise for you." Dad had said. We had gone back to mom's apartment to grab our things, but he had shown up and insisted that we come back to the labs with him.

"Okay?" I said, taking Nora's hand. Dad took mine and the three of us ran back to the labs together. We walked down the hallways at normal speed, making our way toward the lounge. "Dad, what's going on?"

"You'll see." He said, leading the way. I shared a look with Nora, shrugging.

"This is fun. I love wandering the labs aimlessly." Nora said. Dad gave her a glare, but both of us could see there was no heat behind it. Once we made it to the lounge, the lights flipped on and the entire team jumped up and screamed surprise.

I could feel tears coming to my eyes as I looked around the decorated lounge. The banner that was hung said "See you soon party" instead of "Going away party", it made me smile.

"Seeing as I was an idiot and made the two of you leave so abruptly the first time, I figured we'd fix that by throwing you a party this time around. A "see you soon" slash "thank you so much for saving all of our asses" party." Dad said, grinning at the two of us.

Uncle Cisco swept his arms out. "We have pizza, snacks, champagne for the adults, and soda for the little ones."

"If the two of you want a glass of champagne, you are more than welcome to it. Not only can you not get drunk, but you have had to deal with a lot of heavy stuff recently. You deserve an adult drink." Mom said, stepping over to stand next to dad.

"Tonight we celebrate. Tomorrow, we say a tearful goodbye." Dad said, his eyes a little glassy.

"See you soon." I corrected him.

"Very soon." Mom said, placing a hand on her stomach. The room instantly erupted into chaos. Everyone crowded in to congratulate mom, to touch her flat stomach, to ask when she found out. I turned to Nora with tears in my eyes.

"I am really going to miss this." I said, giving a wet laugh.

"We will have it in the future." She said, pulling me into a hug. Mom noticed, calling out for a group hug. We laughed and wiped at our tears as everyone squeezed in to share a hug.

"Let's celebrate!" I called out, catching everyone's attention. "I don't know about anyone else, but I could use some pizza and champagne."

That set off a round of laughter. We all celebrated well into the night.

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