Chapter Twelve

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(Nora's POV)

After the call with dad, I made my way over to Jitters. I only had a few hours left before Dawn got here. I ordered my coffee and brought it with me to a nice table by the window. I sat down just to give myself some time to think about everything that has been going on and it occurred to me that I hadn't told dad that Dawn was coming. He was busy with mom right now, so I was hoping he wouldn't mind so much when he realized she was here.

I looked out the window while I sipped my coffee. I was trying to stop thinking so negatively about myself. Dad had said this was fixed in time, everything I did had already happened in the timeline before. It was so hard not to feel like I was fucking everything up. I sighed and pulled my phone from my pocket, about to text Dawn again when I noticed I had a text from an unfamiliar number. Who had I texted?

308-429-3582//8:30am: Sorry, Nora who?

I stared at the text for a good minute before it registered that this was Alyssa's phone number. Dawn had given it to me the night before. I quickly opened the chat, feeling my cheeks heating up in embarrassment as I typed out a quick reply.

Nora//9:00am: I'm so sorry, I got the wrong number. My fault.

I looked out the window again, a little hurt. She didn't have a clue who I was. She probably didn't even like girls. I refrained from saving the number, knowing it would be a lost cause to even keep it.

308-429-3582//9:03am: Nora Allen? Allen as in Dawn Allen? You're her sister, right?

I almost threw my phone. All throughout school I was known as 'Dawn's sister'. Dawn had always been the better twin. She had amazing grades, she played any sport she could, she was better at not disappointing our parents, and she was older by about five minutes.

Nora//9:05am: Yup, that's me. Sorry to bother you though, I can delete this number.

308-429-3582//9:06am: What's the hurry? Do you have something more important to do than text me?

308-429-3582//9:06am: Sorry if this comes off a bit strong, but I don't think that text you sent me was a mistake.

308-429-3582//9:07am: I think you meant to send it to me.

I decided to leave the messages, not in the mood to have a heart to heart with a girl who was sure to reject me. She had addressed me as 'Dawn's sister' and I was hurt and irritated by it. I named her contact just so I wouldn't forget again, then I silenced my phone and turned it face down on the table.

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