💍Chapter 13 - An Unwanted Visitor

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⏳️Saturday, May 8

"The money for your services up until this point has been deposited in your account, Kim Taehyung."
"Thank you, Kim Namjoon."

Despite not being in each other's presence, neither men could help but draw their lips back in a snarl when they mentioned each other's names.

This wedding would have looked good on his resume, but unfortunately for Taehyung, the new planner will get all the credit. The thought made him bite down on his fist. He didn't want to slam it down on the table, for Namjoon would hear it.

"This is a thoughtless act when you think about it, though. What exactly are you trying to prove by firing me one week before the wedding?"
There was silence on the other end, so Taehyung continued. "This feels like an ego trip. I did not kiss Jungkook in that flower shop, by the way."

"You kissed him someplace else though," Namjoon retorted.
"If you were a good partner, Jungkook would not have kissed me. Besides, isn't it a bit hypocritical to throw a hissy fit over a kiss when you're having a full-blown affair with Jin? Those hickeys were too obvious. You two weren't even hiding it."

Namjoon went silent again.
"You want to be able to sleep with another man the whole time you're engaged, but Jungkook gets slack for kissing ... once! You're a hypocrite, an ugly one at that! You don't deserve Jungkook one b-"

*Call ended*

Taehyung slammed his fist down on the table, feeling relieved that he could finally do that. He mourned what could have been a major boost to his career.

Seeing that he couldn't get through to Jungkook's cellphone, he also mourned the loss of communication with him. He correctly concluded that Namjoon confiscated Jungkook's phone.

Knowing that he was punishing Jungkook as if he was some bratty teenager pissed him off, but as Jimin would say, he had to stay out of rich people's business.

It's not like he was out of work anyway. He had other projects lined up for him that he could start working on right now. A few were based in Seoul, so he wasn't leaving the city anytime soon.

He hoped for a reunion with Jungkook. He hoped by then he realized his worth.


Hybe Headquarters, Fitting Room

After hanging up, Namjoon released a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"You want to be able to sleep with another man the whole time you're engaged, but Jungkook gets slack for kissing ... once!"

He hated being confronted about his hypocrisy but he was unapologetic about it. Jungkook was sitting across from him, his lips downturned, melancholy oozing off of him.

Knowing he was upset about Taehyung being replaced made him slightly annoyed. "Jungkook, why the long face? You're acting as if the wedding is canceled?" 'Not that I'd mind'

Jungkook didn't spare him a glance. "It's not but the wedding is in a week and there's still so much to do. Taehyung would have-"
"Taehyung would have done nothing," Namjoon interrupted. "He's gone and we're having a new one."

"Will this new one be any good?"
"Yes, he will. Plus, you and I know him quite well. We just didn't know that he did wedding planning on the side."
Jungkook looked at him questionably. "So our wedding is just a side hustle?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "No, I didn't mean it like that."
"Then what did you mean? Because we had a renowned planner and you fired him! Now, we haven't even sorted out our seating arrangements!"
"You dare shout at me?"

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