💍Chapter 20 - Premeditated Murder

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⏳️9 p.m.

In his blinding rage, Namjoon ran two red lights. Or was it three? He wasn't sure, nor did he care. He had a job to do.

His glock was in the passenger seat. 'How many bullets should I put in his body? Six? No seven. That's right. The same amount Jin got.'

Namjoon ensured that he was heavily disguised, much like he was back when Jin hired him to take out his ex's fiance. Coincidentally, it was the same gun he was planning to shoot Jungkook with.

Namjoon still had keys to Jungkook's home, and as he didn't change the locks since the breakup, Namjoon could let himself right in. His only concern was that he didn't know whether or not Jungkook had any visitors.


Jungkook removed his clothes and immersed himself in the bathtub. The scent of the bubble bath was heavenly, and the warmness of the water melted the tension in his joints.

Today was a long day, but it was a good one, the best one he had in a long time. 'Taehyung kissed me again...'

He curled his toes as he remembered the moment. He wanted to keep in mind his hyung's warning about moving on too fast, but Taehyung made it so difficult for him to take heed.
'Can one ever fall in love too fast? What does that even mean?'

He closed his eyes and rubbed his soapy hand all over his body. Each touch reminded him of Taehyung, and it made him blush. He knew it was weird to imagine another man touching him, especially since that man wasn't his lover.

Jungkook sure wished he was, though.

He was so lost in his imagination that he didn't hear his front door open, nor did he hear the clomping sound of Namjoon's boots.

Namjoon was all too familiar with not just the layout of Jungkook's apartment but his nightly routine. He knew exactly what Jungkook was doing right now and where.





Until he was close enough to hear Jungkook humming in the bathroom.





"Taehyung? Are you back already?"

Namjoon froze in his tracks. 'Taehyung is supposed to come back here? At this time of the night? I have to get this over with before I get caught!'


Namjoon adjusted his balaclava ski mask and barged in, causing Jungkook to shriek in fear. "Who are -"

Namjoon didn't give him any time to finish. He lunged at him, and with a strong grip on Jungkook's naked body, he forced him down into the bathtub.

Jungkook's limbs were flailing as he tried to raise himself out of the water coffin, but Namjoon held him down firmly.
His heart hammered against his ribcage when lukewarm water began to fill his lungs.

His nose and throat burned, and it felt like he was being pricked by a million thorns. He was drowning.

And no one was there to save him.

More water trickled down his throat as he tried to cry for help, but the water grave was swallowing him whole.

'Somebody, please help me!'

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