💍Chapter 4 - Unexpected Call

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6 p.m.

Jungkook spotted Namjoon texting away in the sofa. He only had on a pair of thin shorts and his hardon beneath it was evident. He slowly made his way over and desperately knelt before him.

"Should I ... help you ... get rid of this?" He asked, snaking his hands up Namjoon's meaty thighs and to his crotch.

"Jungkook w-what are you doing? I'm not in the mood." Not in the mood to do this with you at least.

Namjoon's hardon was a result of him feasting on Jin's nudes earlier on. It would be weird to make out with Jungkook when he was aroused by Jin, so he carefully stood up, not wanting to make Jungkook fall back and headed for the bedroom.

Jungkook was still on his knees, feeling embarrassed and foolish, though he couldn't help his neediness. He followed his fiancé with a look of desperation. "Babe, why aren't you in the mood? Did I do something wrong? I was just -"

"What's gotten into Jungkook!? You aren't usually like this."

Jungkook sighed. "Babe, you haven't been giving me any attention. Of course I'm desperate! You won't even spare me a glance these days!"

"Jungkook, I'm busy. You should know that because you know the stress of the industry."

"I get that, but Namjoon, our wedding is coming up, and it's like you won't even make time for it. What kind of wedding will that be? Am I going to be doing everything by myself? I ... I don't even know if you love me anymore." Jungkook answered, and Namjoon felt a pang in his chest. He actually didn't.

"Things will work out, I promise."

Jungkook felt tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "I miss what we used to have. I used to be able to feel your love just by how you look at me. Now, you don't even cuddle with me! I can't tell when we last spooned each other! I can't tell when we last kissed! We haven't had sex in months! I don't even see why you proposed to me."

He didn't want Namjoon to see him cry, so he ran out of the room, leaving the man to feel guilty. Jungkook was fragile, and throughout their relationship, he's always been emotionally dependent on him and greatly attached.

It's not that Namjoon hated him. It's just that he and Jin were more compatible. He grew bored of Jungkook, and being with him felt like a chore. He just didn't have the balls to admit it.

He also had to take the fans into consideration. Armys loved Jungkook and supported their relationship. Breaking his heart would be detrimental to his career.

11 p.m.

"...... Are you going to go back on your word now because you want them to break up so that you can see if you ... have a chance with Jungkook?"

Taehyung couldn't help but ponder on his best friend's words as he sprawled out in his bed. Was his concern for Jungkook genuine? Or was he trying to take advantage of a grim situation? He honestly wasn't sure.

What he did know was that he wasn't the villain. He was not the one playing with another man's feelings. He was not the one pretending to want to marry someone while sleeping with another man.

He reached for his phone and brought up some pictures of Jungkook. He was gorgeous in every frame and from interviews, he could tell he had a charming personality. It was a staunch reminder that being a good nor good-looking person protected you from being a victim of infidelity.

Cheaters cheat. Regardless of who they have. Regardless of what could be lost if they get caught.

Before he dosed off, his cellphone rang.
Caller ID: Private Number

Hello, Tae ... can we talk? Let's try and work things out ..."

Taehyung felt a flash of anger at the sound of the voice. It is said that unforgiveness is like drinking poison thinking it will hurt someone else, but Taehyung preferred the poison. He hated his cheating ex more than anything else.

"I'm not interested, Seo Joon. You threw it all away and now you're running back? Why?"

There was a lengthy pause before Taehyung heard a sniffle on the other end. "I realized what I lost. I'm sorry. Give me another chance ... pl-"
"Give it up," Taehyung dismissed. "It's over. We're over."

"Have you replaced me already?"

Taehyung ran a hand through his hair. Of course, he had no plans to rekindle the flame with his cheating, narcissistic ex but did he replace him with someone new? Not yet. Taehyung has been single since the breakup, but just to toy with him, he gave a resounding "Yes" before hanging up.


Next morning

🎶Daechwita daechwita ja ullyeora daechwita
Daechwita daechwita ja ullyeora daechwita
Daechwita daechwita ja ullyeora daechwita
Daechwita daechwita ja ullyeora daechwita🎶

Yoongi proudly rocked in his chair, tapping his fingers on the table as he listened to his song.

Namjoon was there too, letting out a plethora of sighs as if he bore the weight of the world like the Greek god Atlas.

🎶Daechwita daechwita ja ullyeora daechwita
Daechwita daechwita ja ullyeora daechwita
Daechwita daechwita ja ullyeora daechwita
Daechwita daechwita ja ullyeora daechwita🎶

Yoongi adjusted himself in the chair and smiled. "What do you think of the song?"
No response. Namjoon's body was physically present but his mind had wandered afar off. "Yo?"

"H-Huh? You said something hyung?"
"Yeah. I asked you what you thought of the song. Should I release it?"
Namjoon twisted in discomfort. "I'm sorry. Which song? I wasn't even listening."
"I figured you weren't. What's on your mind?"

Namjoon toyed with his watch nervously. "I'm ... I'm having relationship problems ..." He was a little hesitant to admit it, given Yoongi's brotherly love for Jungkook but he needed to vent. 

It's not that Yoongi didn't love him either. He knew he loved him. He knew he would always look out for him. He knew he would always tell him the truth. And the truth is harsh.

"A relationship that should've ended a long time ago will always have problems."

Namjoon shook his head as he laughed. "Why did I even say anything?"
"It's true," Yoongi said nonchalantly. "It's obvious that you love someone else. Why are you going through with the engagement in the first place?"

"I was drunk when I proposed but Kookie was so happy. I didn't know how to tell him it was a mistake."
Yoongi sighed. "So, you'd rather go through with it and continue to cheat? Do you know how this will make you look when this hits mainstream media?"

Namjoon started to feel a little irritated. "Hyung, don't you think I know? Give me some suggestions instead of making me feel worse."
"Break things off because you don't love him enough."
"I do love him."

"Then stop cheating on him," Yoongi blurted out. "Stop treating him like shit because there's only so much one person can take before..."
"Before what?"

Yoongi stared at him, contemplating whether or not he should say anything. He's had more than his fair share of heartbreaks. He's seen others go through their own trials as well.

"Often times people treat their significant other like trash thinking that they'll always stick around but one man's trash is another man's treasure. You don't want to give another man the opportunity to treasure him because you'll lose him."

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