💍Chapter 30 - Matrimony

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May of the following year ...

"Ladies and gentlemen, we gather here today to witness and celebrate the love and commitment between Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook in the eyes of God.

You two stand here before well-wishers to join your individual lives into a single union. Sitting before you are two vessels of sand signifying your lives before your marriage and one currently empty vessel that your commitment to each other will soon fill."

The unity sand ceremony was Taehyung's idea. He found it romantic and wanted to incorporate it on their special day. His glass had grey sand, and of course, Jungkook's glass had purple.

"Taehyung and Jungkook, it is time to exchange your vows."
The couple turned to face each other, both feeling nervous and both anxious.

"Taehyung, I pledge to share my life openly with you and to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to honour and tenderly care for you and to encourage your fulfilment as an individual through all the changes of your life."

"Mr. Kim, it is now your turn."

"Jungkook, I vow to love and to cherish you, in sickness and in health, through the best and the worst we may face. I vow to respect you as an equal partner in everything for all the risings and all the settings of the sun. From this day and forever more, I am yours."

The couple joined hands as per the instructions of the officiant. Their eyes were glued on each other, much like the attendees' eyes were glued on them. Well-wishers at home were watching from their various devices and on various platforms. They all knew that the wedding was going to go through this time around.

"Jeon Jungkook, do you take Kim Taehyung to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do!"
"Kim Taehyung, do you take Jeon Jungkook to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."

Jungkook blinked away tears while visibly shaking. Almost a year ago, his wedding ceremony fell apart around this time, so to hear Taehyung reaffirm his love for him made him emotional.

"At the beginning of the ceremony, I mentioned the vessels of sand representing your individual lives and an empty vessel representing your new life together. Your marriage today will represent the beginning of a new life together as one. Just as these grains can no longer be separated into individual containers, so shall your lives forever be intertwined."

Jungkook took hold of his glass of purple sand, and Taehyung took hold of his glass of grey sand.

"Taehyung, Jungkook, please now pour the sand from your respective vessels into the centre vessel, combining your two lives into one. The layering of sand is symbolic of the fact that the foundation of your marriage is the strength and cooperation of both of you."

They poured the contents in the centre glass, creating a beautiful layering of grey and purple sand. When the last grain fell, the attendees applauded, but the loudest cheer came after their ring ceremony.

A ring is a neverending circle, a perfect representation of their neverending love for each other.

When both men had on their rings, the officiant beamed with pride. "I now pronounce you two as husbands. You may now kiss."


When the newly wedded couple stepped outside, fans cheered excitedly. As much as it was his big day, Jungkook stopped to sign some autographs and take a few photos with fans. Even Taehyung did the same without complaints.

This went on for half an hour until the couple was whisked away in a limousine.


Singapore was chosen as their honeymoon destination, Marina Bay Sands, to be exact. Singapore has a reputation for being a great holiday destination, so Jungkook made no fuss when Taehyung suggested it.

They spent most of their time in the rooftop pool that overhung the tower where the view was panoramic.

"So I'm now Kim Jungkook? Do you think it sounds too much like Kim Jong Un?"

Taehyung laughed to the point where his stomach began to hurt. "I didn't think of that, but don't worry. There won't be a mixup with that dictator."
"Just making sure. Besides, I love it. I wanted to take your name. Our kids will as well."

"How many children should we have?"
"I was thinking of three," Jungkook replied with a smile. "Two via surrogate and one adopted."
"Well then, I can't wait till we have 3 little Kims running around. Who knows, you could start a band with them."

Jungkook giggled. "Don't give me any ideas."

As their main adversaries were either dead or imprisoned, there was no one to threaten their future plans and even if any were to arise, even if they came across stormy weather, they'd wade through the waters together.

"Just as these grains can no longer be separated into individual containers, so shall your lives forever be intertwined."

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