💍Chapter 24 - Steamy

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Jungkook's New Home ... 7 p.m.

Jungkook's PTSD never allowed him to continue residing in the place where he was nearly killed, so he sold his old place for a profit.

His new home was a 5-storey house in Itaewon-dong he's been constructing since his trainee days. It still had some finishing touches to be made to it, but it was a beauty nonetheless.

"You did a great job with this," Taehyung commended. "Five storeys, wow. You can raise a family here."
"T-That's the plan," he replied bashfully.
"Though I never thought that I'd need to move in so soon."

His last sentence was said in an undertone.
"There's something different about you. I was worried about you throughout the trial, but you were strong. It was good to see."
'Strong? Am I strong?'

Jungkook wasn't too convinced about his supposed strength. "I don't think I'm strong. I fought back tears and panic attacks throughout the entire thing."
"But you stood your ground. You've come a far way. I'm proud of you."

'I'm proud of you.'

Jungkook couldn't explain why, but hearing that made him choke up. He tried to say something. However, his sobs made his words inaudible.
Taehyung pulled him into a crushing embrace that made Jungkook sob even more. "I'm here. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

Taehyung was tempted to plant a kiss on Jungkook's forehead, but he held back. 'Not now.'

Taehyung's arms provided well needed comfort to Jungkook's soul, and he remained there until he regained his composure. "I-I'm sorry. You were just telling me how strong I was, and now I'm crying like a baby. I don't know what came over me."
"It's fine," Taehyung reassured. "I don't think of you any less. Crying isn't a sign of weakness."

Jungkook nodded. "Y-Yeah, my therapist said that."
"Then she knows her stuff."
Taehyung made his way to the kitchen, and Jungkook followed with mild curiosity. "What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to cook for you. To lighten the mood."

Jungkook couldn't contain his excitement. "Really?"
"Yes. Pork belly, right?"


Jungkook bulldozed through his dinner like that was his first meal in weeks. Although, one could say that it was the first meal he actually had time to enjoy in weeks, given that the stress of the trial had him in overdrive.

After the meal, Taehyung served him a glass of red wine like a sommelier. He poured himself a glass afterwards and joined Jungkook on the sofa where he was watching Jujutsu Kaisen. "Did you enjoy my cooking?"

Jungkook swirled his wine before he took a sip of it. "I did. When did you learn how to cook?"

"I learned by watching my mother."
"What about your dad?"
"Love him, but I'd rather eat shit than his cooking."
Jungkook snorted. "I learnt from watching my parents and my brother before he became an asshole."

"His loss," Taehyung stated as he dug into his pocket for his cellphone. Someone was calling. Jungkook was too flustered to speak when he heard his old song Begin as his ringtone.

'Caller ID
Private Number'

An expression of annoyance appeared on his face. Only Seo-Joon calls him on a private. "Speaking of asshole."
Taehyung ignored the call and placed the phone on silent. "Nothing. Just a call from someone I don't want to hear from."

Jungkook gave him an 'are you sure?' look, and Taehyung nodded. "Don't worry about it. I want to focus all my attention on you."

"Yes," Taehyung admitted, his eyes drawn to Jungkook's soft lips as the latter took a final swig from his glass.  "Do you want some more wine? Your glass is empty now."

He got up for a bottle of wine before Jungkook even answered. "Let's drink and be merry, eh? How much can you handle?"
"I'm not a lightweight," Jungkook boasted. "Don't make this a competition."
Taehyung raised a brow. "Are you sure? I've seen you drunk on Weverse a number of times after 2 glasses of wine."

"Lies!" Jungkook protested. "It wasn't after 2 glasses!"
Taehyung rubbed his chin jokingly. "You're right. It was after 1."
"Not true!"
"Prove it."

2 glasses

3 glasses

4 glasses

Five glasses in, and Jungkook was already feeling the effects of alcohol but he wanted to pour himself another glass. He staggered to his feet but found he was unable to hold himself up.

When he tripped on his own leg, Taehyung was swift enough to catch him before he fell.
Taehyung himself was starting to feel tipsy but not to the extent where he lost control of his body. Playfully, he said, "I thought you said you weren't a lightweight."

"I'm not," Jungkook mumbled while he tried to balance himself. When he straightened himself, Jungkook's face was less than 3 inches from Taehyung's. "U-Um ... you smell so nice."

His cheeks were flushed, and the red colour only deepened when he saw Taehyung's eyeing him hungrily. "Thank you. I bought the cologne in Singapore."
"Please wear it more often, especially when ... when you’re around me."

Jungkook felt fire ignite within him when Taehyung's hot hands slid down to his waist and rested there. "What else do you want me to do for you or what do you want me to do to you."

The huskiness of his voice sent a jolt of electricity through Jungkook's body. It silenced him, but his dilated pupils and his now ragged breathing told Taehyung all he needed to know.

Within seconds, their lips collided, and they intoxicated each other even more with the taste of wine that lingered on their tongues.

Their hands were all over each other. Both aching to feel each other's bare skin but were obstructed by their clothing. Feeling impatient and without breaking the kiss, Taehyung unbuttoned Jungkook's shirt and tossed it aside.
'Fuck that. I want to feel you!'

Jungkook tore his swollen lips away to catch his breath. "You next."
He held the hem of Taehyung's shirt and dragged it over his head before they continued to kissing each other ravenously. Skin to skin, chest to chest, there was an electric charge between them that neither expected.

Taehyung slid his hands underneath Jungkook's thighs and lifted him with herculean strength the latter didn't know he had. Instinctively, Jungkook wrapped his legs around him and allowed himself to be carried to the bedroom.


Jungkook found himself leaning backwards until he landed on the soft mattress.

Taehyung hovered over him and deepened the kiss. Jungkook's widened legs gave him an invitation, and he positioned himself between them, humping him until it drove Jungkook crazy. The latter felt as if he was swimming in honey, and he craved more.

"T-Taehyung, please ...."
"You want me to go all the way?"
"You want me to fuck you into oblivion?"
"But the neighbours will know my name by the time you're done screaming."
"Taehyung! Just ... Just fuck me. I ... I can't wait anymore."

Jungkook's desperation made Taehyung's hardened cock twitch and he tore off the aforementioned's pants and underwear like the hungry beast he had become.

Taehyung took a few minutes to admire Jungkook's naked body lying underneath him. His abs were well defined as if he were a Greek sculpture brought to life.
'Indeed, God took his time making this one.'

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