💍Chapter 26 - Orchestrator

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Next Day ...

"Taehyung-ah! Why didn't you tell me that you were sleeping out!? I thought something had happened!" Jimin cried over the phone, worry etched in his voice. "You didn't even answer my calls!"

Taehyung glanced at Jungkook, who was still fast asleep beside him. "I'm sorry. I was busy."
"Busy doing what?!? And why are you whispering!?"
"Jungkook is beside me sleeping, so I don't want to wake him up."
There was a long pause until he heard Jimin laugh boisterously on the other end. "Sleeping beside you? Wait, are you two in bed?"

Taehyung rolled him eyes.
"Ah, I see what's going on now. While I was worried sick, you two were doing the deed. Well, at least your penis is back in use."

"And just what do you mean by that!?" Taehyung questioned while stifling a laugh. "I use my penis every day."
"Not for that purpose."
Taehyung clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes again. "Jimin-ssi get the fuck off my phone."

"On a more serious note though ... when are you two going official?"

Taehyung struggled to come up with an answer. Sure, they've confessed their love for each other, and they've made love, but was he ready to let the world know about their relationship status?

Despite being renowned in his own right, Taehyung would lose his identity the very minute they go public. He'd be merely reduced to being 'Jungkook's boyfriend' rather than Kim Taehyung, the Wedding Planner. Not that being known as his boyfriend was a bad thing. It's just that KPOP fans wouldn't give him any semblance of privacy.

Going out with Jungkook gave him a glimpse of the idol life. Could he handle it? People recognised him everywhere he went, but he was never bombarded by paparazzi like Jungkook is everything he goes somewhere.

"I'm waiting for your answer."
"I don't have one."

He whipped his head when he heard Jungkook groan beside him as he woke from his slumber. He fixed his earthy brown eyes on Taehyung, and a Ray of sunshine was painted on his face.
"Good morning."

Taehyung used a finger to gently brush away strands of messy hair that covered his face. Jungkook was naturally beautiful. It was a privilege to see him in this state.

"Taehyung? You've gone silent on me?"
"What's happening in the background? You're not saying anything."
"Oh, Jungkook just woke up, so I ..." He paused to watch in disbelief as Jungkook swung his feet off the bed and headed for the bathroom, naked as the day he was born.

His skin had become a canvas of lovebites. There was a noticeable limp in his walk and he still had streaks of cum on his legs. Taehyung was proud to see the effects of his hard work.

"So you what?"
"I forgot what I want going to say."
Jimin huffed. "Fine! Since you don't have time for me, I'm hanging up. Remember, you have a job, so don't go having another round of sex with Jungkook."

'Job. Job? Job! Shit! I have a job!'

Taehyung hung up and searched frantically for his clothes and whatever belongings he brought to the house. "Shit! I have a couple to meet in Daegu!"

"Aww, so you're leaving already?" Jungkook murmured after brushing his teeth. "I thought we could spend the day together."
Taehyung apologized. "I can't. I have to get to Daegu to see that couple. Will stop by my parents as well."

Jungkook's eyes pleaded to him. "Just stay for a while, Taehyung. Daegu is less than 3 hours away. You'll make it in time."
"Jungkook ... I can't. I have to go."
"Fine. I'm going to take a shower," he said in defeat. "Wish you could join me."

Jungkook genuinely had no intention of saying that seductively, but it made Taehyung's pants tighten. When Jungkook disappeared into the shower, Taehyung stood in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do. His mind was taking him to places he didn't want to go to right now, but the bulge in his pants wasn't going to go away by itself.

He dropped his belongings and stripped himself.
"Remember, you have a job, so don't go having another round of sex with Jungkook."
"Yeah, I think I might need another round or two, Jimin-ssi."


The departing sun lit the horizon on fire, decorating the sky with hues of orange. On the streets, children played amongst themselves, their laughter providing good quality music to Yoongi's ears.

His disguise allowed him to walk by undetected, although it was still unsafe for idols to walk alone given Jin's murder.

Speaking of Jin, Namjoon was the reason why Yoongi was on this journey. As much as he wanted to forget Namjoon due to the severity of his sins, a huge part of him wanted to see him.  Yoongi not just played the role of mentor. He played the role of Big Brother to Namjoon as well for years.

Also, the prison would have contacted him to inform him that he was one of the few persons on Namjoon's approved visitor's list.

So he made his way to Seoul Dongbu Detention Centre.


"Can you remove your mask and state your name?"
"Min Yoongi," he answered dryly while pulling down his mask so that the officer could verify his identity. He did not miss when the officer's eyes glistened in awe.
"Th-Thank you for complying. Please have a seat at Window 9 in the visitor room. Kim Namjoon will be escorted there."

Yoongi waited for what felt like 20 minutes until he saw a large officer coming with Namjoon in his grip. The officer's fingers looked as if they were digging into Namjoon's upper arm, and it looked painful.

His hands were shackled, and it was clear that he lost some weight in the short time he's been incarcerated.

"Hyung... here to gloat?" Namjoon questioned before sitting down behind the glass partition.
"If you knew I was one to gloat, why did you put me on your approved list of visitors?"
Namjoon shrugged. "It was hard to find good people to put on it, I guess."

Yoongi hummed but said nothing while examining the man that he once worked with. "You look thin."
"Well, I'm not going to eat the dog food they feed us in here. Bring me something to eat next time."
"I don't feed murderers."

Namjoon stifled a laugh. "Murderers, huh? Touché. By the way, how is Jungkook?"
"Why do you care? You didn't care when you held him underwater."
"Just answer."
"No. Jungkook's well-being is none of your business. You tried to kill him because you thought he killed your ex."
"Who else would do something like that?"

Yoongi was becoming exasperated already. "I know you didn't love him, but you knew him, and you and I both know that Jungkook wouldn't do something like that. You used to say that Jungkook wouldn't have the balls to even break up to you if he found out you cheated. Who convinced you that that same Jungkook would pick up a gun and shoot Jin in the street?"

Namjoon fidgeted in discomfort and seemingly ignored the question.
"Namjoon, who convinced you that Jungkook killed Jin because I know you're smarter than that."
Eyes closed, Namjoon exhaled. "Seo-Joon."

Yoongi's eyes bulged from their sockets. "Seo-Joon? Why would Seo-Joon encourage you to hurt Jungkook?"
"He's always been obsessed with Taehyung, and since Taehyung and Jungkook were getting close -"
"Time's up!" The officer shouted before he came and gripped Namjoon again. Yoongi, however, wanted to hear more.

"Since Taehyung and Jungkook were getting close, what?" Yoongi asked with heightened curiosity. "Did Seo-Joon see Jungkook as a threat?"

Yoongi banged on the glass partition, hoping it would prompt Namjoon to answer, but the officer hauled him away before he had a chance to.

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