💍Chapter 17 - Loss of Love & Career

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Next Day ...

'The body of KPOP idol Jin has been found few metres away from his home in Hannam the Hill. This comes less than a week after he and Kim Nam-'

Unable to listen to a reminder of his misfortune, Jungkook turned off the television. The news about Jin left him feeling conflicted.

Did he support taking human life? No.
Did he support the taking of Jin's life? He wasn't quite sure, and it made him question his moral compass.

He was a firm believer of karma, but was this a case of karma? Would he be justified if he believed that Jin deserved what he got?

Yes or no?

Despite what happened, Jungkook thought it was a good day to go back in the studio, much to Yoongi's displeasure.
"You don't have to go in, you know? You're not forced to give condolences."

Jungkook shook his head. "I've been confined to my home for too long. Seclusion isn't good for me, for anyone."
"Alright then, but just know that you know who might show up," Yoongi warned as he remembered Namjoon's schedule meeting there. "Don't know what Bang PD will do to him, but ... you might see him."

⏳️Hybe Headquarters
Bang PD's Office

Bang PD's eyes were focused on Namjoon, who sat before him. Jin's death would have come at an inconvenient time, but he wasn't planning on changing his mind from releasing Namjoon from the label.

"No one has any clue who did it!" Namjoon exclaimed, baring his teeth."Not one single soul can give the cops any bit of information!"
Bang PD placed his elbows on the table and leaned forward. "I sympathize, and I don't mean to sound heartless, but that's not why I called you in here."

Namjoon tilted his head quizzically. "Then why?"
The man gave him a knowing look, and Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Is this about what happened last Saturday? Is this really the time to talk about that?"

Bang PD let out a scornful laugh. "In your opinion, when would be the most appropriate time to discuss what you did? Jungkook, the man that you humiliated and hurt in front of millions, is still a part of Big Hit family."
"So? Am I not a part of this family?"
"Not anymore."

Namjoon blinked repeatedly in alarm. It stung a lot more than he wanted hearing his father figure admit that out loud. "Come on, PD-nim ... not right now. Not when I lost Jin. Isn't that punishment enough? Why punish me more just for Jungkook?"

Bang PD exhaled and rose from his chair. He glared down at Namjoon, who felt like a little boy in his seat.
"You see this," the founder did a 360 turn before his eyes landed back on the rapper. "We have all of this ... because of Jungkook."

Namjoon was well aware that, like Yoongi, Bang PD held Jungkook in high regard, but hearing him give him so much credit annoyed him. The man continued, "Jungkook was being scouted by agencies who were 100 times bigger than us, who could've given him more recognition, more money yet he picked us. He picked a company that barely had any money out of all those successful ones."

Bang PD picked up a photo of young Jungkook that he kept on his table and held it up. He had photos of the other Big Hit artists, but Jungkook's was placed in the centre. "This baby ... because he was pretty much a baby ... came to us ... and his talent brought in billions to us. Billions that helped us to grow into the powerhouse that we are today. Billions, some of which went into your pockets as a producer when your rap career failed."

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