💍Chapter 5 - Another Man's Treasure

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Namjoon laughed bitterly at the mere suggestion of Jungkook loving another man.
"Jungkook? Another man's treasure? Hyung, Jungkook loves me too much."

"Is that why you feel so confident cheating? You know he has so much love for you that he'll probably forgive you rather than moving on if he found out?"
Namjoon nodded without remorse and it made Yoongi seethe inwardly.

As much as he loved him, he couldn't bare to look at him right now so he turned his attention to the mixer.
Namjoon was an expert on Yoongi's body language and knew that his hyung was finished with him which hurt him slightly.
"Hyung, I didn't mean to come off as an asshole."

"But you are one. Shamelessly too. Where even is Jungkook?"
"He's meeting with the wedding planner at his house."

Yoongi tilted his head in confusion. "Meeting with the wedding planner ... at his house? By himself?"

Namjoon nodded. "Is there a problem?"
Yoongi opened his mouth to say something but shook his head.
"Hyung, what? You know how much Jungkook wants this wedding. That's what makes breaking up so difficult."

"It's not that," Yoongi muttered. "Remember what I said about giving another man the chance to treasure him?"
Namjoon hummed. "You think Jungkook wants a wishy-washy wedding planner when he has me?"

Yoongi turned his head and his face sported an unreadable expression. It made Namjoon uneasy. The thought of Jungkook moving on made him feel jealous? Angry?

The truth is, Namjoon doesn't love Jungkook as much as he thinks he does. Dating Jungkook did well for his brand because he was out of his league.

He also loved Jungkook being obsessed with him. It stroked his ego. It made him feel important, desired. The idea of Jungkook giving that attention to someone else sparked a fury in him he didn't know he had.

There are people in this world who don't love you but would hate for someone else to have you.

"I know a marriage counsellor you two could go to. I heard he's good."
"What's his name?"
Yoongi took a piece of paper and scribbled something before handing it to Namjoon. "His name is Park Seo Joon. Check him out."

Namjoon sighed. "Yeah. I'll get around to that one day. I think I'm heading over to Jungkook's house for now. I'll... I'll be right back."


Earlier ...

Taehyung was meeting Jungkook at his apartment. Jungkook resided at the luxurious Seoul Forest Trimage. Mostly idols resided there and Taehyung felt a bit out of place just from being in the building but his confidence didn't waver.

"Sorry if the place looks bad." Jungkook apologized as he led him to the sofa.

"Are you kidding? This place is amazing."

Jungkook thanked him and forced a smile, which soon vanished. "Namjoon has work so we'll plan without him again."

Taehyung heaved a sigh. "This is worrying."

"He's working on some things for me as well. Maybe he wants to get them done so that we can enjoy our honeymoon without having to worry about unfinished work."

Taehyung's heart dropped. It was obvious Jungkook was saddened by it but he was keeping up a front. He was trying to be strong. "You look so down today. Yesterday you were more excited. Today, your eyes aren't glistening with excitement like they usually do."

Jungkook looked up at him. The fact that Taehyung noticed such a small detail was quite attractive. "Namjoon and I had a little argument lastnight. I'm sorry. I may be in low spirits for the rest of the meeting."

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