💍Chapter 16 - Lights Out

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⏳️Monday Morning

A wise man once said, "A broken heart does not mean you are broken. The crack is there to let the light in."

Jungkook's heart, however, was not just broken. It had shattered completely.

And the world watched it in real time.  

It's what made Namjoon's walkout so indigestible to many. The world got to see Jungkook bleed an ocean from his eyes, his vulnerability on display.

He had Korea's empathy, but media outlets weren't missing the opportunity to gossip about him being jilted at the altar. The media was still fishing for a statement from him, but he stayed conformed to his apartment, licking his wounds.

'Five years ... I loved Namjoon for 5 years'

'He cheated on me for 3 out of those 5 years'

'Was I so hard to love?'

'Was I not worth the effort?'

Feeling compelled to support Jungkook, Yoongi had volunteered to stay with him overnight. The aforementioned didn't sleep much. He sat up the whole weekend crying. Yoongi's heart twisted in his chest when he saw Jungkook's face contort as he fought another breakdown.
"Jungkook ... let it all out ... get it off your chest. You're human ..."

As if he was waiting for that green light, Jungkook buried his head in his hands and sobbed incontrollably.

Yoongi wasn't the most expressive, but he knew that it wouldn't be healthy to keep that pain in his system. It would stunt his healing process. He knew that from experience.

His jaw was still aching from Jin's punch and he was ashamed that he couldn't defend himself against it but as the Korean president said before leaving the ballroom on Saturday, all the shame was on Namjoon and Jin.

Yoongi wasn't going to lose sleep over it, but he was going to return the favour whenever he saw him again.

"I c-cant show m-my face to the p-public ..." Jungkook said in between sobs. "I f-feel s-so ...."
"Bang PD gave you some time off. No one expects you to bounce back like nothing happened unless they're cruel assholes."
"B-But I have music t-to w-work on."

Yoongi disapproved. "You're not in the right headspace and that's understandable. Don't rush yourself to get back in the studio besides ..."
He paused. According to private talks with Bang PD, Namjoon and Jin were going to be released from the label. They'd need time to get their belongings out of the headquarters and they'll have some legal matters to tie up as a result. It wouldn't be good for Jungkook to be there to see all that unfold.

Yoongi knew Jungkook would feel responsible.

"Besides w-what hyung?"
"Nothing. Everything will be fine," He reassured. "By the way, you need a shower. Your mood will improve when you freshen up and change your clothes."

Jungkook still had on his wedding suit, so distraught that he neglected his personal hygiene. It happened to Yoongi a lot back when he battled depression so he did not judge him for it.

Twenty-five minutes after Jungkook left for the shower, the doorbell rang. 'Great, now I have to get up.'

Yoongi forced himself up from the sofa, appearing drowsy in his movements like an old man. He was an elder in a 27 year old's body, after all.

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