fifty two

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Sorry for the slightly sad chapter. Also sorry about the lack of updates and for the shorter chapters, third year is killing me and I'm dealing with so much SHIT in life. Anyway! Enough about me. Let's enjoy our favourite couple, and my favourite escape.

"You could kill a man with this much alcohol," I state, bringing our own supply into Simon and Talia's very newly renovated kitchen, adding to the massive pile already on the table.

"That's probably the plan," Harry replies dryly, scrunching up the carrier bag we'd bought the alcohol in, shoving it into his pocket. "Let's go and mingle," he suggests, holding his hand out for me to take, leading us both into their living room, where the music was already pumping.

Honestly, I was in love with their place. You could tell that Talia had taken charge of decorating, but you could also notice parts of the house that had Simon's touch to it too. It was the perfect combination.

Considering we'd let ourselves into the house like instructed, this was the first time we were actually seeing our friends since our return from Guernsey a few days ago. It had been a nice break, and I had thoroughly enjoyed the time spent getting to know Harry's family, but I was grateful to be back on familiar turf, with all my friends.

"Tilda! Harry!" Kirsty shrieks, coming over to us and engulfing us both in a tight hug. Clearly, we'd been missed.

"Hey," I grin, realising that she was already slightly tipsy. "Missed you, how've you been?"

"I've been excellent! How was Guernsey?" She asks, sounding genuinely intrigued.

"Beautiful. I miss it already, although I did think I was going to die when I was forced to swim in the sea at like half past five in the morning," I say, making it sound way more dramatic than it was, giving Harry a conspicuous look.

"You literally said how much you enjoyed it afterwards," he interjects, rolling his eyes which makes both of us laugh.

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad I suppose. His mum also cooks the best homemade lasagne I've ever had in my life. Ten out of ten recommend."

"I'll get her to send some pre-made ones over," he jokes, then being called away by Ethan, leaving me with Kirsty.

"Right, girl, you are not drunk enough. You need to get onto my level!" She announces, taking my hand and leading me back to the kitchen - or, alcohol central.

"How long have you even been here?" I ask jokingly, not sure if letting her pour my drink was a wise decision.

"Like half an hour. We got here early because I am celebrating!" She says, pouring some alcohol into a cup for me.

"Celebrating...?" I ask hesitantly, not aware of there being anything to celebrate.

"Beating a pregnancy scare!" She says casually, but it's enough to shock me into being speechless for a minute.

"Wh - hang on a second - what do you mean? Huh?" I ask, sounding all disjointed and stammering because — what the fuck was going on?

"I thought I was pregnant for a good two weeks. Got too scared to take a test, took it this morning and I'm negative. Also think my period is starting soon," she says with a shrug, a smile then appearing on her face as she hands me a very full cup which reeked of alcohol, vodka, I thought. "Anyway! Let's drink the night away. I'm going to go and dance in the living room, coming?"

"Yeah, one second. Have fun, be careful," I remind her, watching her leave me alone in the kitchen.

I was painfully unaware of what had been going on in Kirsty's life, and she hadn't even thought to tell me which I felt a little weird about. It wasn't my right to know, and I knew that.

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