Chapter 3: Confession

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They went inside Taehyun's house after the awkward moment in the car.

"So, what do you want to tell me earlier in the morning?" Beomgyu asked once he remembered that Taehyun have to say something, his pupils sparkled.

"Ah.." Taehyun's heart began to beat rapidly and he stopped breathing but he didn't notice, he didn't think about what to say earlier. He didn't think that Beomgyu would remember so he decided not to prepare the words he would say.

'What should I say..?' Taehyun pondered as he froze, Beomgyu was patiently waiting for him to answer.

"I like you, not in a friendly way. I like you romantically. I want us to be more than best friends but if you can't return my feelings, it's fine for me as long as we stay friends and won't be awkward with each other. I don't like us to be separated either." Taehyun said, he was nervous about what would Beomgyu say about it and he began to fidget his fingers. Beomgyu's eyes widened, he was shock that his best friend likes him.

Did Beomgyu expect this? No, he didn't think that Taehyun would like him. He was clueless and dumb not to know the hints that Taehyun had given him, now that Taehyun had mentioned that he likes him he had noticed the few signals.

His best friend liking him? That hurt his heart, he has a trauma.

His trauma.. let's talk about it, shall we?

Beomgyu once had a toxic relationship with his partner and yes, his partner is a male. He is bisexual but he decided to be in a relationship with a male. His partner used to hit him forcefully or you can say that he abused him, he always hit Beomgyu for making mistakes or if he was mad. His partner always let his anger out in him. Like what I said, Beomgyu has a soft heart so he let him be. There was also one time that his partner had raped him but Beomgyu didn't let him do it after his partner had raped him. The partner would always say negative words to him, Beomgyu's heart would ache but he doesn't do anything and his head would only hung low. He always listen to the words he said, maybe he would say positive words, would at least comfort him or perhaps what he said was right and maybe he could fix those? The hopes are false and his expectations are always wrong. The partner only sees the negative things. His partner cheated on him too, with two women. Three-timing. His partner and the two females also beat him up. Also the partner is only romantic and positive on the outside or in public, he was only acting. Toxic right?

Well, he was mostly afraid of getting a relationship again after his partner broke up. He thought all those relationship are the same for him.

"But, Taehyun.. I don't want to be in a relationship again, I'm not ready to-" Beomgyu was interrupted by Taehyun.

"I can treat you better than that guy you have dated before." Taehyun said softly, confident about treating him better than the guy he have a relationship with. Of course he can treat him better, he had kept Beomgyu happy with those years he had spent time with him.

"Tyun.. Can you wait for my answer?" Beomgyu asked as he grew anxious, hoping the younger ( Taehyun ) would say yes. The room was filled with silence, Beomgyu was patiently waiting for Taehyun to answer his question.

"Of course, I will wait for you." Taehyun said after 30 seconds, now avoiding eye contact with Beomgyu after he said the words.

Beomgyu softly smile, "Let's cuddle?" The older male ( Beomgyu ) suggested.

"Mhm, you know I love cuddling you." Taehyun giggled.

"Of course I do." Beomgyu said, smiling while looking at the younger ( Taehyun ).


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