Tree part 1

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Nico's POV:

"Wait a second, if I've been here for more than two months, how much time have we wasted? We've got to finish the quest!" I shouted, leaping out of bed, trying to change the subject and keep my mind off the fact that I just slept in the same bed as Will.

Will got up sighing. "Don't worry, we didn't waste any time. You actually woke up at the perfect moment. I sent out a group of villagers to search around for anything."

"We actually found something just a few days ago." He finished speaking and stood up.

"What did you find?" I asked him as he went to change his outfit.

"A tree." Such a simple answer. Just, a tree... it's been months of searching, in a forest no less, and they found a tree.

I must've looked weird, because he said. "Oh, no, not just a tree, it has these wierd symbols all over it. Not carved, grown." He explained. "I'll take you there one you finish getting ready."

He magically changed my shirt, though it immediately turned grey, but I had to manually change my pants, because they weren't already his magic.

After a quick breakfast Will told me he wanted to introduce me to someone before we left.

"Nico, say hi to Trixie." It was the same girl who stabbed me earlier. I smiled. "Thanks." I said patting her shoulder. "That's the closest I've been to death yet!" Her face looked horrified.

Will just stood back and laughed. "Sorry Trixie, I told you he was morbid."

She just bowed and walked off.

"Can she speak?" I asked Will. "Yeah, just not much. We had one conversation that she actually said anything, and that was on my first day here."

"Anyways, where's that tree you were talking about?"Will smiled at my change of subject. "Right this way." He said, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the forest.


Will's POV:

I grabbed Nico's hand, trying not to think about it too much, and led him through the forest.

It was a long trip. About three days of journeying, luckily I figured out how to make food out of light! It was tasty, but we had to eat a lot, because it wasn't very filling.

On the first night, we set up camp. It was small. A tent and a campfire. I tried to make another tent, but Nico convinced me not to. Not that I needed much convincing anyway.

"You already tired yourself out from making all that food. And it's already dark! You'll drain yourself if you try using light magic without any light." He tried to look angry, but I could see how worried he was.

"Ok." I said and walked into the tent. He didn't come in for a while. I was starting to wonder if he was going to sleep outside when he finally came in.

"What took you so long?" I asked. He seemed to hesitate before turning around and answering. "I-I.. nothing." He was so quiet, I could barely hear him. "Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" I was genuinely worried.

"I...I don't know. I'm sorry. I was just worried." His breathing was slowly getting quicker. I went up and hugged him from behind. "I'm not mad. I'm just glad you're here."

He looked up at me, his face was so close. I just wanted to kiss him then and there, but he turned his head quickly and played down.

Of course, I was still hugging him, so I came down too. I giggled and cuddling him closer, started petting him.

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