Chapter 18

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Yuri: And I want to tell you guys that Ella's maybe happy and always smiling but when you look deeply through her eyes, you can see the pain she's hiding inside.

Yuri: Ella could make others happy, but not to herself. To be honest, now that her mom and your dad is getting married, Ella's smile is slowly fading, she's afraid to loose her moms time.

(The Kim siblings were shocked and sad at the revelation that Yuri said. They were not expecting Ella went all of this but still, she's able to show her smile to the world. And the Kim siblings promised each other to do anything for Ella just to make her life better with their families together.)

Jennie: If I had known I would love her the first day I met her. (With tears in her eyes)

Rosé: None of us knew.

Lisa: She's too precious to loose, I mean look at her, isn't she cute. (Sobbing)

Jin: I can't believe what a jerk her father must be.

Jhope: A father is supposed to be the one to protect their child, not harm them.

Taehyung: Thank you for telling us Yuri

Suga: And thank you for always being there for Ella.

Yuri: It's alright, I'm lucky to have her.  And so are you, she cares so much about you guys.

Rosé: Really!?

Yuri: Mhmm, she's always been an only child for 15 years, so when she knew she was going to have siblings, she got excited.

Jennie: Don't worry, we'll give her all the love that was taken from her.

Jin: Thank you for your time Yuri, Promise Ella won't know about this.

Yuri: You'll know it when Ella finds out.

(They all said goodbye to Yuri, they were about to look for Ella when they saw her going out to the science lab.)

Jisoo: ELLA! (She screamed)

(They all ran and hugged Ella)

Ella: Woah, I was just here, miss me much?

Jennie: We're sorry for everything.

Lisa: And don't worry we already took care of that bully Nari.

Ella: Oh gosh! What did you do to her? Did you hurt her?

Rosé: Not that bad

Ella: But why did you do that? I didn't even do anything to her, you should have just left her alone, besides it's not the first time I got bullied in school so I'm fine.

Jungkook: Ummmm... Did you just said you're fine after we saw you cry and ran away?

Ella: Well that's because she said something about my mom.

Jimin: Is that really the only reason!?

Ella: Yes, you shouldn't have touched her, you could be suspended.

Jennie: You really have a kind heart don't you, even to the person who just made your life miserable, but still you cared about her.

Ella: Well I just want peace.

Jin: alright let's go home.


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