Chapter 3

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???:WAIT! WHAT?!!!

Mr. Kim: I mean we're already engaged and we can't marry each other without our kids knowing.

???: I mean yes but you should have talked me before you decide, you know this is not easy for me.

Mr. Kim: I know and I'm sorry.

???: It's fine I know you're just overwhelmed about us. (with a flirty tone)

Mr. Kim: So do you agree?

???: I mean you have a point so I guess we'll be there

Mr. Kim: Great I can't wait to see your daughter.

???: I am also excited to see your children.

*End of Mr. Kim's pov*

*Ms. Yeong's pov*

(After I went to my room I received a phone call and it was from Mr. Kim)

Yes I was the one who is having a phone call with Mr. Kim (*Even though it's obvious I still put it here just in case you didn't know 😄)

*End of Ms. Yeong's pov*

(Skip nighttime)

It was 8:00 in the morning and it was Saturday.

*In the Yeong's House*

Ms. Yeong was making breakfast for Ella and for herself.

*Ella's pov*

I was sleeping in my room when suddenly I smelled something, it was my favorite lasagna. I got up quickly and went down to the kitchen.

Mom: I knew this smell would wake you up

Me: It's been a long time since I've smelled this from the kitchen you know. So I got up quickly and came down here.

Mom: Ok here you go (served the lasagna)

Me: Oohh.. That looks so good, looks like nothing will be left for you mom. (With teasing smile)

Mom: That's alright I made it for you anyways. (Smiled brightly)

Me: Awww.. Thanks Mom your the best. But I want you to have some, besides your the one who made it.

Mom: I knew you can't handle not giving me. (Smirks)

Me: I guess I love you too much Mom. (Smirks back)

Mom: You really are my daughter aren't you. (Touched Ella's nose)

Me: Ofc! I am your copy remember?!

Mom: Ofc you are, come here

(Me and mom both hugged each other)

*End of Ella's pov*

Meanwhile in the Kim's Mansion

Mr. Kim: Can you please call the kids tell them I have an announcement to make. (Asking the maids)

Maids: Yes sir

The maids are calling all the Kim siblings and gathered them in the living room. And they all sat down.

Lisa: What is the announcement Appa?

Mr. Kim: Well there will be an addition to this family.

Everyone except Mr. Kim: WHATTT!!!

Jin: Did I just heard that right?!

Mr. Kim: Yes, tonight we will have a dinner and your going to meet my fiance and her daughter.

Suga: Oh hell no, I will never have a step sister. And Appa are you sure, what if they are also from your enemy.

Jimin: Yeah what if this is a trap.

Mr. Kim: Well I'm pretty sure they are not, the one I am marrying is the one and only Ms. Young.

Jisoo: You mean like the most beautiful Mafia and the second feared Mafia?!

Mr. Kim: Bingo!

Jennie: But did you...

Mr. Kim: It's a long story but it seems that we have the same reason as a Mafia leader, to bring peace to the world. So I guess she understood me directly.

*Kim siblings were left in shock

*Meanwhile in the Young's House*

Ms. Young: Ella can I talk to you about something. This is really important for the both of us.

Ella: Wh...Wha...What is it? (Said nervously)


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