Farewell my darling

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You never looked at me, did you ?
I can see it now, there was only room for two.
And there were three of us in this cold room.
Now i've shut the door behind me
And never looked back, only at the gloom.
You didn't ask me to stay. Now i see
Why your smile never felt right,
Because it wasn't as wide as mine.
While I cried, I realized that night
That the more my love shines,
The more you looked away.
The more you looked at her.
Now that I've died and gone astray,
You both only subsist in a shimmer.
I'll never catch up, you're so in love.
Just as i am but shouldn't've.
I'm running a race against the wind,
I'm running a race I'll never win.
My legs have caved out and
My heart is slowly stopping.
These are my last words to you, the end
Of a year, and no one's mourning.


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