Y2V2: Dealing with Expulsions

Start from the beginning

"How much involvement do they have?"

"The same as the president's, essentially. They can make comments, ask questions, quiet people down. They are who you need to appeal to and convince. No one, not even the teachers, nor the Acting Director, knows who will be dispatched."

I see. Ghosts are tasked to judge me, huh? It sounds good at first, but the fact that no one knows who it'll be is troubling. Tsukishiro may try and influence who gets dispatched.

"Is there a specific department that the dispatcher comes from? Is it random? Is it from overseas?"

Chabashira rubbed the bridge of her nose, seemingly tired by my many questions, "Ayanokouji, I understand your concern. However, Tsukishiro can't do anything. Many parts of the government contribute to this school, as you know. The department chosen is unknown and so will be the people selected. It's entirely random. Think of it like jury duty, almost."

I see.

"Who is in charge of selecting it?"

"The selection process is also kept confidential. The school has its own mechanisms to ensure impartiality. The person responsible for selecting the dispatcher changes periodically, and even the Acting Director is not privy to this information until the decision is made. It's a system designed to minimize any potential interference."

The Acting Director isn't privy to some things, I suppose. Maybe this department is a type of separate entity.

So I'll have no idea, huh?

* * *

I moved past the oak door, entering the opulent student council room.

"Ayanokouji, pleasure to see you," Nagumo remarked nonchalantly.

Swiveling in his chair slightly, he glanced at me with an amused expression, entirely unsurprised by my appearance.

A part of me considered asking Nagumo for 20 million points. Though, that could also be an avenue Tsukishiro blocked off. 

"I'd like to file an official complaint against the Acting Director," I told him bluntly.

Nagumo grinned, resting his cheek on his knuckles, "This is quite the case. It's been 5 years since the last time someone made a complaint against the school, so I'm glad I get to see it."

"Can I have the form?"

Nagumo nodded, opening some drawers on his desk. He opened the first three, not finding anything. Leaning down and opening the 4th, he exclaimed. 


Grabbing it out, he displayed it to me, sliding it across the mahogany desk. It was ordained with a golden outline, the paper kept in pristine condition. I suppose there's a special document for these kinds of things. 

"This will be hard to win, Ayanokouji," he informed me.

I nodded, picking up a pen from his pen stand and beginning to fill out the details.

"I understand that, Nagumo-senpai. But it'd be pointless if I wasn't going to try, right?" I asked him as I scribbled on the paper.

From my peripheral vision, I could see his lips creep upward in amusement, "Yeah, I get it. I'd do the same thing in your place. Normally, you'd have a few days to get evidence and the like, but due to the special case of this complaint, you'll be getting a full week."

"Do I have to go to school in the meantime?"

"Yeah, your expulsion will be postponed until after the trial is complete. Well, if you decide to take back the complaint, you're just expelled again."

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