Trial of The Senses

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It had been two days since the night Light and Shinoska had embraced.

Light had been busy coming up with ways to get the police off his trail. After learning that they suspected him to be a student, he began manipulating the times of death to happen while he was at school.

Otherwise, he'd kept up his usual routine of attending school and prep school, while still making time to see the apple of his eye.

Shinoska's daily routine had also continued, the young woman juggling school, prep school, and her duties as Historian of the Student Council. Though, at the back of her mind, she couldn't shake the memory of that night.

Their relationship hadn't progressed since then. It left her feeling a mix of emotions, the young woman wondering what exactly Light was planning. One moment they'd act as they always did, then in the next, they would dip into more unknown territory.

She wouldn't exactly say she enjoyed the feeling of being toyed with.

Still, she had been the one to convince herself college would be a better time for a more serious relationship. But the more she thought it over, the more she began to question if she'd really had good reason to wait. What was holding her back?

The question had potential answers that she was unsure if she was ready to confront.

Frankly, once their friendship from childhood only continued to strengthen past their middle school years wherein such relationships would often disintegrate due to "cooties" or simply wanting to fit in. But Light wasn't like that at all.

He was exceedingly mature; always had been. While she'd see other boys chatting about unsavory things or simply being childish for the sake of laughs, he'd always been focused on his education and dedicated to maintaining himself.

His difference is part of why he was so popular.

But to Shinoska, why Light held such a special place in her heart was far different than his image of being a genius student.

His intelligence and maturity were no doubt a point in her attraction toward him, but even more so was the fact that he'd been there for her when no one else had been. Even his family almost essentially took her in and treated her like one of their own.

And he'd shown he cared for her more than others several times before.

Aside from his possessiveness to shield her from any stray boys who no doubt saw her for only her looks, he'd also always made it a point to come to her whenever he needed something.

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