Built for Sin

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The next morning Shinoska slowly stirs from her sleep as she shifts and turns. Despite her sleepy haze, the lack of a mattress beneath her body is all it takes for her to quickly realize that she's not in her bed. Her eyes slowly flutter open and she's met with the sight of Light by her side, his arm draping around her body.

Resting against the couch together, their bodies are close and Shinoska finds herself looking at him with tenderness as she relishes the feeling of being closer to him than ever before.

He appears to still be asleep, the young man unmoving aside from the slow rise and fall of his chest. The ray of sunshine that peaks through the curtains shine down upon his features with an illuminating glow.

In truth, he woke up quite a long time ago and had watched her sleep with an eerie focus and a satisfied grin. While he wasn't foolish enough to talk of his plans to dispose of Raye Penber with Ryuk while Shinoska was within earshot, he spent much of his time going over the sinister plan in his mind.

Just as he felt her begin to awake, he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, though he resumed his planning as he did so. The dark nature of his thoughts in contrast to the seemingly gentle moment is rather unsettling, but Shinoska is not privy to the fact that he teeters on the edge of depravity day by day.

Instead, she continues to watch her now boyfriend as she recalls the events of the previous night. She feels her cheeks begin to heat up as the reality of their relationship finally sets in.

'So...I guess it wasn't a dream after all. Light and I are finally...'

She doesn't dare finish the thought, the idea is almost too much to process. She's been waiting years for him to finally make the move, but in all honesty, the suddenness of the confession has her caught a little off guard, which is a somewhat unusual feeling for Shinoska.

Her intentions to postpone their relationship until after school fell by the wayside once he confessed. Her mind had changed in part due to what had happened on the bus.

'Emotions were pretty high yesterday. And after such a scary situation, maybe he felt like he didn't want to waste any more time or risk not living his life without regret. At least, it was kind of like that for me. It's even making me think a bit differently about a few other things too...'

Despite her happiness about their official relationship, she can't help the somberness that sets in her heart as she recalls the sound of shattering glass, gunshots, and terrified screams. She shudders as she shakes away the thought.

'It's just a good thing that FBI agent was there. In a twisted sort of way, seeing him in action has motivated me to try even harder to achieve my own dreams. Being able to serve justice and keep people safe, even if I'm doing it in a courtroom...Well, I'll do whatever it takes to be in the league of someone like him. And maybe even someone like L.'

Before her mind can wander any further, she feels Light's hand twitch at her side. She looks over at him just as his eyes open, a soft smile on his face.

"Good morning," he says as he slowly pulls his arm away to give her some space, though he remains sitting rather close to her.

"Good morning," Shinoska replies with a bit of bashfulness. She looks down before tucking a section of hair behind her ear, then lets out a small laugh. "It's a good thing my parents didn't come home last night. If they'd walked in and seen us like that, I'm sure they would have had more than a few things to say."

"Ah...That's definitely true," Light mutters, though internally he acknowledges he was never all that worried to begin with. He's relatively familiar with her parents' often demanding work schedules and, even if they were caught, he'd simply have done whatever was necessary to smooth things over.

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