Wicked Dance

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The fluorescent lights of the shopping center cast a sterile glow over the throngs of shoppers, their shadows flickering like phantoms against the polished floors. Misa Amane moved through the crowd with purpose, her high heels clicking rhythmically. She was a splash of color in her vibrant outfit, a stark contrast to the muted tones around her.

"Rem," she murmured under her breath, glancing at the space beside her where the invisible Shinigami loomed. "I had to send those videos. It's the only way Kira will notice me."

"You are playing a dangerous game, Misa," Rem's voice rumbled, audible only to her. "Actions such as these have consequences. Are you prepared for them?"

Misa smiled slyly, fingering the delicate chain of her necklace from which dangled a small, ornate cross. "With these eyes," she said, tapping the corner of one eye lightly, "I'm ahead of the game." Her confidence was not just bravado; it was the assurance of someone holding a trump card.

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At the task force office, the atmosphere brimmed with a tension that was palpable, a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the shopping center. Light Yagami stood before his father, Soichiro, his posture rigid as if bracing himself against an incoming storm.

"Father, I don't understand why you're involving Shinoska in this. She doesn't need to be part of the task force," Light insisted, his voice steady but his hands betraying him as they clenched and unclenched at his sides.

Soichiro's gaze was unwavering, the lines on his face etched deeper by the gravity of their mission. "L has made it clear. He wants both of you on board. He values Shinoska's insight, and quite frankly, we're not in a position to argue."

Light turned to meet Shinoska's gaze. They shared a silent conversation, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and intrigue. Light read the question in her silence. What now? He offered her a reassuring nod, though his mind raced with strategies and contingencies.

"Let's do the introductions then," L interjected, materializing from the room's shadowy corner. The group began an awkward shuffle, exchanging names and tentative handshakes. Shinoska's voice was soft but steady as she introduced herself; Light couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were whirling behind those still eyes.

"Take a look at the evidence we have," L instructed, gesturing towards the dossiers and digital displays. "Your perspectives are critical."

Light nodded, though his mind was already racing with strategies and contingencies.

"Light," L called out suddenly, "I'd like you to draft a script. As Kira. It's a trap for the fake one."

As if on cue, Ryuk's guttural chuckle echoed in the background, invisible to all but Light. Shinoska's head snapped towards Light, her brows knitting together. Her breath hitched audibly beside Light, the sound slicing through the tension. Her eyes, wide with disbelief, darted towards L as if searching for an answer etched in the contours of his face. "Why Light?" she asked, her voice a blend of concern and accusation. "Does this mean you still suspect him?"

Everyone's eyes flickered between Light and Shinoska, their curiosity piqued like hounds catching a scent. A subtle clenching of Light's jaw was the only betrayal of his mounting frustration. With measured calmness, he turned to her, his hand finding her arm in a reassuring touch. "No need to worry," he soothed, the words smooth as silk over the crackle of underlying tension. "It's just a strategic move by L. Isn't it?" The last phrase was directed at L, a challenge veiled in politeness.

Internally, Light was cursing the situation, each syllable a venomous bite against his restraint. 'He's pushing me into a corner.' Light's thoughts were caustic, a tumult beneath his cool exterior. Ryuk, perched nonchalantly atop a filing cabinet, chuckled—the sound a grating rasp that only Light could hear.

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