The Perfect Storm

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Light's eyes briefly roam over Shinoska, his expression unreadable.

Shinoska restrains the urge to shift beneath his gaze, instead meeting his eyes. She knows very well that he's not one to much care about fashion or makeup or other such things, but she'd wanted to dress up for their date.

"You look great, Shinoska," Light says as his expression melts into a smile.

"So do you," Shinoska replies smoothly, though on the inside she feels a warmth begin to envelope her.

"Ah, this is nothing special," Light says as he looks down at his clothes, his simple blue jeans, t-shirt, and warm jacket flattering, but nothing unusual for him.

"But, anyways...Shall we go?" He says as he looks up at her, then offers his arm.

"Yes. We shall," Shinoska replies as she slowly wraps her arm around his and the two head toward Space World.

They walk side by side as they board the train to make their way toward Space World. They chat along the way, but are for the most part content to sit in a comfortable, yet close silence.

Once they get off at their stop, they eventually arrive at the shuttle bus stop that's meant to take them to the theme park.

"I'm honestly just surprised you want to go to Space World. I don't think we've been since...junior high? And when we went you didn't seem especially impressed," Shinoska says.

"Well, I just thought it would be a nice change of pace. And I hear they've added new attractions, so I wanted to see them with you," Light replies and Shinoska purses her lips a bit in response, her cheeks reddening ever so slightly.

'There he goes being all smoothe again. What's up with him today?'

Before she can think it over too much, the bus finally pulls up in front of them. They board the bus and swipe their cards, then heading over to the back to take their seats.

A man in a suit takes a seat behind them, though Shinoska doesn't pay him much mind. As they make short stops in a few places, the bus fills up rather quickly. After making all the nearby stops, the bus finally begins its journey toward Space World.

"How's the Student Council going?" Light asks after a moment of pause.

"I'd say it's going well. We're in the middle of planning a festival, so it's a bit busy, but nothing I can't handle," Shinoska answers.

"That sounds about right. You've always been good at being busy," Light replies.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Shinoska asks with a cocked brow, but Light merely laughs and waves her off.

"It's a good thing. You're a hard worker through and through," Light says and Shinoska merely shakes off his compliments.

Her work ethic is and always has been something that comes naturally to her, so she's always found it a bit odd to be anything but humble about it.

"You could always join a club too, Light. If memory serves, people were literally hounding you to be President of the Student Council," Shinoska says.

"Sure, but I wasn't interested. I wanted to focus on my academics," Light answers.

"Well, that's certainly panning out for you. Didn't you get the top score in all of Japan for the latest practice exam?" Shinoska says.

"Yeah, I did," Light says as he merely nods in response, not at all phased by such an achievement.

"See? You're not even phased. You could definitely join a club in your free time. It'll look really good on your resume," Shinoska says, the last bit coming out with a bit of a sing-songy tone. Light merely chuckles in response, waving her off.

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