Wicked Whoa

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Shinoska glances over at Light, her eyes tracing the familiar lines of his tennis uniform. Nostalgia washes over her, a faint smile on her lips.

"I know it hasn't been that long since I last saw you play, but seeing you like this is making me feel kind of sentimental," the woman says just as they turn a corner, the sight of a familiar face coming into view.

Wild black hair, deep-seated eye bags, hunched posture, unfitted jeans, and a simple white shirt. He stands to the side of the tennis court the couple is walking toward, his expression unreadable as he stares off into the distance.

"Though, I never expected that this is what would get you back in the court," Shinoska says as she looks over at Light.

"Well, I can't exactly say I expected it either, but I'm all for it. Someone asking to "get to know me" through tennis is one of the more interesting ways I've been approached," Light responds with a noncommittal shrug, his expression then shifting into a slightly teasing smile, "Maybe you'll be next."

Shinoska's eyebrow raises for a moment before she lets out a small laugh, the idea of L challenging her to a race somewhat amusing.

"I doubt it. I liked track and field and did well, but I wasn't quite as renowned as you are," Shinoska says, reminiscing on the accolades she received in the sport before ultimately deciding to focus on her student council position and her studies, "And... I don't have any proof, but part of me feels like he's challenging you because you're so accomplished in tennis," Shinoska says.

Light raises his eyebrow, genuinely surprised by her conclusion.

"Really? I figured that he might not even know," Light replies.

"Could be. I just have a hunch," Shinoska says.

The two finally arrive at the tennis court, stepping inside the competitive space and making their way over to L.

"Hello," L greets them with a small wave.

"Good morning," Shinoska says with a polite smile.

"Hey," Light waves back, then sets his bag down on a nearby bench, "We were both pretty surprised about your offer, Ryuga. Getting to know each other through tennis is an offer I don't think I've ever gotten before."

"Is it a problem for you?" L asks with his usual flat tone.

"Not at all. But, when you first invited me to play, did you know how good I was?" Light asks, curious to see if Shinoska's hunch was correct.

"Yes," L answers simply, "I'll be fine though. It's been a while, but at one time I was the British junior champion."

"That's quite the accomplishment," Shinoska remarks, impressed.

"I suppose," L says, his words coming off humble, but also as if he actually isn't all that impressed with his own achievement.

"So...Ryuga. Were you raised in the UK?" Light asks as the three of them begin to walk around the matches occupying some of the tennis courts.

"I lived there for about 5 years when I was younger, but save your breath. Nothing about that story would reveal anything about my true identity, I promise you," L responds.

Shinoska resists the almost reflexive response of her eyes widening, the woman electing to mask her unsettled feelings.

'So, that's what Light is trying to do? It's not as if I'm not curious about L's identity either, but I'd hate to pry. Or is Light simply still suspicious if this man is really who he says he is?'

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