Ace of Hearts

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The afternoon sunbathed the Yagami living room in a gentle, golden glow. Shinoska stood nervously by the window, tracing the intricate patterns of the lace curtains with her fingertips as she watched her parents' car pull into the driveway. Her heart fluttered like a caged bird; it had been over a year since she last saw them in person. Now they were here, on the other side of the world, to celebrate her acceptance into law school.

"Shinoska, they're here!" Light's voice was a calming balm, and she turned to find him standing in the doorway, a reassuring smile on his face. She nodded, trying to quell the excitement and anxiety mingling within her.

Her parents entered, shaking off the crisp air of early spring, their faces alight with pride. "Congratulations, my brilliant girl," her mother beamed, sweeping Shinoska into a warm embrace that smelled of lavender and the faint, familiar scent of legal briefs—a scent that spoke of late nights and fierce dedication.

"Thank you, Mom. Dad." Shinoska returned their hugs, feeling the years of distance melt away in their touch.

"Let's eat," Mr. Yagami suggested, guiding everyone toward the dining table set with an array of dishes. They settled around the table, a blend of Japanese and American cuisines creating a mosaic of Shinoska's life between two worlds.

As the conversation meandered from Shinoska's upcoming studies to reminiscences of her childhood, Mrs. Yagami cleared her throat gently, capturing everyone's attention. "We have some news," she said, exchanging a knowing look with her husband. "Light, why don't you announce the news instead."

Light took Shinoska's hand under the table, giving it a tender squeeze. The gesture sent a wave of warmth through her. "Shinoska and I... we've decided to start dating."

"Finally!" Shinoska's father chuckled, his voice rich with amusement. "Those two were always up to something when they were little. Inseparable, even then."

"Seems like only yesterday you were running around the garden, capes tied around your necks, pretending to save the world," her mother added, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "And now, look at you both. We couldn't be happier."

"Really?" Shinoska's breath hitched, and she glanced at Light, whose presence was both an anchor and a promise of untold stories yet to unfold. "You approve?"

"Of course, dear," her father said warmly. "We've always known how special Light is. And we've seen how he looks at you. It's about time you two figured it out."

Laughter rippled around the table, and Shinoska felt a weight lift from her shoulders. This moment—surrounded by family, her future shining brightly ahead, and Light at her side—was a harbinger of joyful days to come.

"Here's to new beginnings," Light toasted, raising his glass.

" Kanpai! they all echoed, the words resonating with hope and the comfort of shared history.

As they clinked glasses, Shinoska's mind danced with possibilities. Law school, a new relationship, and the uncharted territory of adulthood lay before her. But for now, she reveled in the love and support that filled the room, the simple joy of being together again, celebrating milestones and the intertwining of paths long destined to merge.

The lingering echo of laughter settled like the last golden leaf of autumn, and the dining room fell into a comfortable lull. The clink of cutlery against china provided a subtle symphony as the Yagami family, joined by Shinoska's parents, shared a meal that was both a feast for the palate and the heart.

"Shinoska, your mother and I have always known you were destined for great things," her father began, his voice rich with pride yet weighted with expectation. He lifted his glass of water, the sunlight catching the ice cubes in a dance of refracted light, "And we're immensely grateful to Light and his family for supporting you so steadfastly in our absence."

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