Just An Illusion

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The front door creaked open, casting a soft glow into the otherwise dimly lit entryway of Light's house. As Light and Shinoska stepped over the threshold, they were immediately met by the expectant gaze of Light's mother, her eyes flickering with a touch of concern.

"You two are back quite late," she observed, though her voice held more curiosity than reprimand.

"Sorry, Mom," Light replied with practiced ease, slipping off his shoes. "Shinoska and I lost track of time on our date."

His mother's lips curved into a teasing smile, the corners crinkling with affection. "A date, huh? At this rate, you'll be getting married before I know it!"

Before Light could craft a response, Sayu bounded into the room, her energy palpable as she enveloped Shinoska in a joyful embrace that lifted her slightly off the ground.

"Shinoska!" Sayu squealed, releasing her to then pull Light into a similar hug. "So, when's the big day? When are you two really getting married?"

Light chuckled, ruffling his sister's hair affectionately. Light caught Shinoska's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He met Sayu's gaze with a smile that felt surprisingly sincere. "Well, even though we're still 18 and juggling college, settling down young doesn't sound too bad –" he gestured between himself and Shinoska, "– especially if it's with her."

Sayu's squeal of delight mingled with Sachiko's soft chuckle, creating a symphony of familial joy. Light watched as their faces lit up, the idea of him taking such a step in life clearly filling them with elation.

"Is that so?" his mother exclaimed, her voice lifting with excitement. "You kids must be starved after all that romantic excitement. Are you hungry?"

Light exchanged a fleeting look with Shinoska, a silent agreement passing between them as they both shook their heads in unison. They were full, full of emotions and shared moments that no meal could compare to.

"Actually, we had plenty of room service at the hotel," Light mentioned casually, brushing off his mother's concern with a practiced ease. "I couldn't eat another bite, but some tea would be nice."

His mother's brow furrowed with a mix of skepticism and maternal worry, but before she could probe further, Sayu flitted towards Shinoska, bubbling over with eager curiosity. "So, how was it? Tell me everything!"

As the excited chatter filled the living room, Light watched them for a moment, his gaze softening at the sight before he turned and made his way upstairs.

Once in the sanctuary of his room, he turned the lock with a definitive click. The room was dimly lit, shadows dancing across the walls as if echoing the secrets they held. Ryuk, materializing from the darkness, hovered near the ceiling, his eyes gleaming with otherworldly knowledge.

"Ryuk, we need to talk," Light said, his voice low and urgent. He felt the gravity of the situation weigh upon him; his next moves were critical.

"About what, Light?" Ryuk asked, tilting his head mockingly as if he didn't already sense the brewing storm.

"Shinigami," Light began, pacing beneath Ryuk's floating form. "What happens if someone else with a Death Note sees you? If they have the Shinigami Eyes, will they know that I'm Kira?"

"Interesting question," Ryuk chuckled, his voice a rasp of amusement. "If they saw me, they'd know for sure that you're the owner of a Death Note. As for being Kira... Well, that depends on what they know, doesn't it?"

Light nodded slowly, processing the implications. Each revelation was a piece of a larger puzzle, one he was determined to solve.

The night deepened outside, and the house settled into a quiet rhythm. Shinoska had long since returned home, leaving Light alone with his thoughts. The flickering light of the television cast an eerie glow across his face as he watched the late-night news, but his mind was elsewhere, entrenched in strategies and scenarios.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 11 ⏰

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