Dangerous Obsession

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The faint aroma of coffee beans hung in the air as Light, Shinoska, and L sat at a small table in the back corner of a cozy cafe. L casually sipped his coffee, studying them over the rim of his cup.

The dim lighting and quiet chatter of other patrons created an intimate atmosphere that was only broken by L's intense gaze as he tested their deductive abilities with a series of hypothetical scenarios.

"Very well," L said, tapping his index finger on the table. "Let's test your deductive abilities." L said, taking a final sip of his coffee. "If a man were to leave his home every day at the same time wearing the same outfit, but carrying a different briefcase, what would you deduce from this behavior?"

As Light and Shinoska pondered the question, Light couldn't help but notice the subtle signs of distress on Shinoska's face. Her fingers fidgeted with her cup, and her eyes darted between him and L. He knew she was still reeling from the revelation that L suspected him of being Kira, and it weighed heavily on her mind.

"Maybe he has an important job that requires him to be punctual and consistent?" Shinoska offered hesitantly, looking to Light for reassurance.

"Or perhaps he's trying to create the illusion of routine while secretly varying his activities," Light added, sending a pointed look in L's direction.

L nodded thoughtfully, not giving away his own opinion on the matter. "Interesting theories, both of them. I appreciate your insight."

Eventually, L glanced at his watch and stood up, signaling the end of their meeting. "I'll be in touch soon regarding our next steps on the Kira case," he said, pushing back his chair. "I hope I can count on your assistance."

With that, they exited the café together, the door chiming softly behind them. Once outside, L went his separate way, leaving Light and Shinoska to walk home alone. The crisp evening air seemed to magnify the silence between them.

As Light and Shinoska began walking home together, her grip on his hand was uncharacteristically tense. The subtle tremors in her fingers revealed her unease, and Light knew he needed to address it. "Hey," he said softly, squeezing her hand reassuringly, "you don't need to worry about what L said. I'm not Kira, and he'll realize that eventually."

Shinoska looked at him with uncertainty in her eyes, but she nodded, nonetheless. "I know you're not Kira, Light. It's just...what if L doesn't see that? What would happen to us?"

Wanting to comfort her, Light came up with an idea. "Why don't we go back to my place and study together? We can take our minds off this whole mess for a while." He offered her a warm smile, hoping to ease her concerns.

"Alright," Shinoska agreed hesitantly, her voice barely audible.

When they arrived at Light's house, the emptiness inside signaled that his family was still out.

Seizing the opportunity, Light led Shinoska to his room to study together, hoping the familiar routine would help ease her anxiety.

However, as they sat down and opened their textbooks, it became apparent that Shinoska's thoughts were still consumed by fear. She stared blankly at the pages, her mind racing with unsettling possibilities. Eventually, she looked up and met Light's gaze.

"Light," she whispered, her gaze fixed on the textbook in front of her, "I can't stop thinking about L accusing you of being Kira. What if he becomes more aggressive in his suspicions? What would happen to you...to us?" "I just... can't believe L suspects you," she admitted, her voice wavering.

Light put down his pen and reached over to take her hand in his. "Listen to me, Shinoska. I appreciate your concern, but I promise you, I'm not going to let anything happen to either of us," he said with conviction, his eyes locked onto hers. "We'll get through this together."

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