Binding To Nightmares

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The sun spilled through the classroom's high windows, casting long shadows across the desks that seemed to stretch out like the day itself. Light Yagami sat with a poised demeanor, his gaze occasionally flickering towards Shinoska.

Every sentence that light had read twisted into an echo of L's accusations, a relentless storm that had only been calmed by Shinoska's unwavering trust and the intimacy they shared just nights ago. They had returned to their academic rituals as if nothing had changed, as if L's piercing accusations were just whispers in a distant wind.

"Can you believe these equations?" Shinoska whispered to Light, her voice a soft murmur lost amidst the drone of the professor's lecture.

"Child's play for you," Light responded with a sideways grin, his confidence untouched by the classroom's mundane challenges. His mind, however, churned with thoughts unspoken—of Kira, of justice, and of the intricate dance he performed with L, each step cloaked in deception.

As the bell signaled the end of the day, students shuffled papers and collected their belongings, eager to escape the confines of academia. Shinoska stood up, stretching slightly, her muscles grateful for the release from the stiff chair. She began to gather her books, her movements deliberate and unhurried, unaware of the eyes that followed her.

"Hey, Shinoska," a voice called out, pulling her attention away from her task. It was Kenji, a classmate known more for his brazen attempts at flirtation than his academic prowess. He leaned against her desk, a hopeful smile on his face. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime. Maybe grab a bite or see a movie?"

Shinoska's lips parted, ready to weave a polite refusal, but before she could utter a word, a shadow loomed by the doorway. Light's silhouette was unmistakable—he possessed an air that commanded attention without demanding it. Light's eyes locked with Kenji's, a silent exchange of understanding passing between them. There was no need for words; the message was clear.

"Actually, Kenji," Light's voice cut through the space, cool and certain. "Shinoska has plans."

Kenji's smile faltered, his glance shifting between Light and Shinoska, seeking some hint of falsehood in their composed facades. But there was none to be found, only the silent confirmation of a bond that went beyond casual classmates.

"Right, of course," Kenji mumbled, backing away with a resigned nod. "Some other time, maybe."

Shinoska watched Kenji retreat, a flutter of guilt threading through her chest. She wasn't used to this possessiveness from Light, yet it warmed her like a protective cloak. She met Light's gaze, a question shimmering in her eyes—was this merely a display, or something more profound?

"Let's go," Light said simply, offering a small, secretive smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth. It was a smile that spoke of shared nights and whispered promises, a private world they both inhabited.

As they walked side by side through the crowded hallways of the university, the cacophony of student chatter enveloping them, Shinoska couldn't help but wonder about the delicate balance they maintained. The weight of secrets pressed upon her, heavy with significance, yet there was an undeniable thrill in the charade they played. Each glance, each touch, was laden with meaning—a language only they understood.

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The autumnal breeze caressed their faces as Light and Shinoska navigated the footpath away from the university, a path strewn with leaves that spoke of change. The sun was beginning its descent, casting long shadows that seemed to reach out towards them, as if heralding the approach of an unforeseen visitor.

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