Ego Season

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Despite the situation at hand, Shinoska notices that Light's expression remains calm.

Her panic is only somewhat soothed by his disposition, the young woman's eyes darting between him and the criminal as the man unfolds the paper.

"You were passing notes back here and planning something, weren't you?!" The man accuses as he unfolds the note, his eyes quickly scanning over the paper before he scoffs.

"Just some date plans. How stupid," the man mutters before tossing the paper in Light's face and walking away.

Each step he takes further from their seat's rings in Shinoska's ears, the young woman attempting to steady her breathing as she takes some solace in the fact that Light wasn't hurt.

Her slim comfort is broken when the man immediately whips around, his gun drawn out and his pupils blown wide with rage.

"You in the back...Who the hell are you?! You better tell me what the hell you're tryin' to pull and do it now!" The man threatens, his expression then suddenly shifting to that of unadulterated fear.

'His eyes...they look terrified.'

"I'll shoot! Don't come any fuckin' closer!" The man yells as his finger settles on the trigger of his weapon.

Shinoska's feels herself begin to tremble in fear as the reality of the situation begins to set in. All the videos and studies and notes in the world fall away as she realizes she can't fight what's about happen:

He's going to start shooting.

She's terrified of what will happen to Light. She's terrified of what will happen to the people on the bus. And she's terrified of what will happen to her.

'No more chances to see my parents. I won't get to see if they ever make up. I'll never get to college. I'll never take the bar exam or experience what it really feels like to be a lawyer. These people's lives will be cut short. Their friends and their families will miss them dearly. And... Light. If he's...Oh my God.'

"Everyone, get down!" The man behind them demands, but his voice is hazy as Shinoska feels her mind begin to numb.

Then she feels a sudden warmth.

Light's arm wraps around her, pulling her close to him as he ducks them down to take cover.

His touch brings her back to reality, tears welling up in her eyes and falling down her cheeks as her emotions finally spill over.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" The man screeches wildly as he begins to fire his gun.

Shinoska leans against Light, the young man holding her even tighter as the louder, thunderous sound of gunshots fills the bus. Screams of terror soon follow.

The man continues to fire until the bus' back window shatters, Shinoska flinching as a few shards land by her feet. Light comfortingly squeezes her side, Shinoska glancing over at him with a quiet appreciation despite her debilitating fear.

Things then become deathly quiet.

Click after click sounds as the man continues to press the gun trigger, but nothing comes after. No yelling, no loud noises, no gunshots.

Shinoska's body slightly untenses as she realizes that nothing is happening. A quick glance at the deranged man merely shows that he is standing there.

It is now his turn to tremble in fear.

Just then, the FBI agent from behind them rushes from his seat toward the man. The criminal stumbles away from him, then falling next to the bus driver as he begins to plead.

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