Unity Of Stone

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It's been a few weeks since Light made his declaration to take over his father's work, should the need arise.

Since then, his father's been caught up in work, hardly having any time to come home as he continues to work with the few coworkers he has left to try and catch Kira. Light's mother has done all she can to support him, cooking hearty meals and often bringing clothes to him whenever he has to stay at work overnight.

Sayu and Light have been doing their part to help their parents as well, taking clothes or lunches to their father whenever their mother is too busy to do it herself.

Seeing the family come together during such a time inspires Shinoska to help whenever she can as well, the young woman offering her support by helping around the house whenever possible.

In all honestly, lately, she's been spending even more time at the Yagami household than ever. Part of her internally wonders if she's getting ahead of herself, already beginning to fall into the habit of doing things one might expect of a wife.

But, her parents aren't opposed, and neither or Light's. It seems as if everything has just fallen into place for the couple, the comfortable routine Shinoska finds herself more and more attached to.

It's one such day where she's been hanging out with Light since earlier that morning, the young woman flipping through some textbooks as she jots down some notes.

'College entrance exams are coming up...I've been studying nonstop and at this point, I could probably recite most of this stuff in my sleep... but it never hurts to go the extra mile, right? I've come so far already, so I shouldn't slack off now. I'll get right back to it after I take a little stretch break.'

She lets out a small breath, placing her pencil down as she stretches her arms above her head and arches her back, relieving a bit of tension as she readjusts her sitting position. Her eyes wander over to find Light staring off into the distance, her gaze then settling on a bag of potato chips.

'Is that what he's staring at? Is he hungry or something?' She wonders, though the faint taste of his mother's cooking has her thinking otherwise.

"Light?" She asks, his eyes snapping toward her as a slight smile forms on his face.

"Is something the matter?" He asks, taking note of the slight lilt in her tone.

"Well, no. I was just wondering what you were staring at," she questions, the young man then pondering for a moment before he offers a slightly apologetic look.

"Sorry, I guess I wasn't really looking at anything," he replies.

"So you were spacing out?" She asks with a bit of mock shock, her eyebrows slightly raised. Light huffs in response to her small joke, then offers a small shrug in response.

"It happens," he replies simply.

"Even to you?" She asks, then lets out a small giggle as he gives her a slightly blank look, "I'm sorry, I was just kidding! In all honesty, I can see why you'd space out. A lot's happened these last few days and college entrance exams are coming up soon...Though something tells me you're not too worried about exams."

"Well... Maybe I'm not exactly worried, but the exams have been on my mind," Light replies a bit humbly, though Shinoska knows more than anyone that there's not a chance he won't get a perfect score.

"Well...Then what else is on your mind?" Shinoska asks as she cocks her head a bit, looking over at him from her place at his desk. He meets her eyes with his own, the look on his face betraying the truth of his mind.

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