A Treat *~

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Hey everyone,

Author here. I wrote this story back in... 2020? 2019? Something like that.

It stuck with me, these two. So I have decided to write up some bonus chapters for anyone who decides to re-read.

Needless to say, my writing has improved, so don't expect the lackluster little scenes you've been reading. Note, this chapter alone is PURELY smut, no plot whatsoever, literally just self indulgent non-sense. However, the rest will actually continue the story!

This one is just a treat ;)

Now... where were we?

- Gay_Americana


"What're you thinking about right now?"

Thomas was lying upon a bed of grass in the courtyard, summer heat tinging his skin a pale pink. Neither of us had spoken in a while, just watching clouds go by as the day disappeared before us.

His eyes were shut, the shadows of tree branches above sliding across his face with the wind. His lips parted and he only said "You,"

A smirk crept onto my face, but I didn't push him, just curled my fingers into his brown locks of hair laying in the grass.

"And you?" Thomas asked softly, hardly more than a breath passing through his lips.

I shifted onto my arms and twisted my hips to hover over him, "What we're having for dinner"

Thomas's eyes slid open as a look of disapproval settled onto his features.

He reached up and pinched my earlobe hard enough to make the skin throb. "Bastard,"

I hummed happily, "Pot calling the kettle black?"

"Mm," he mewed, "I'm missing when we were quiet,"

I bent down, mere inches from his face. Red rose on his cheeks until it could no longer be blamed on the sun. It satisfied some necessary urge in me, to see him still flustered by me, after all this time.

"There's people, Dame," he whispered, eyes wide and filled with something I couldn't name exactly...

Want, maybe. Need, more likely. I knew it, because I saw it every time I looked at him like this, with my own desire painted on every inch of my skin.

But he was right... people, everywhere, ruining this perfect moment like they always did.

A world without people... just him. I could live in that world over this one any day.

But I relented nonetheless, forcing myself away with a huff.

He sat up and rubbed his palm against his cheek. "I wish you were less obedient,"

My mouth fell slack, "Obedient?"

He made another 'mm' noise, "You used to never follow my rules,"

A chuckle dragged across my throat as I shook my head. Some resolute thought permeated me as I turned and saddled myself across his lap.

A look of shock covered him as he opened his mouth to speak, words cut off as I dragged my hips into his groin. His head fell back and his hands covered his face, a shocked noise choking from his throat that turned into a groan. It only spurred me on, snatching his wrists and sliding faster against him.

"Dame, Dame," he stuttered, pressing his hands against my chest, "People,"

"No one's watching us," I said with the slyness that always made him pliable.

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