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We laid together in the library, Jack rattling off to Hanson about some drama between the nuns. Damian's hand was twirling the curls in my hair.

"But Sister Marsha told her off! Threw soup in her lap over it. Sister Fiona nearly blew her lid off!"

I could care less. I had no cares in the world. I was a leaf in the wind, and Damian was the current carrying me.

Damian. Damian. Damian. No matter how many times his name crossed my mind my heart fluttered the same way. My toes curled and my ears went red, my mouth watered and my knees went weak. Just from his name.

I wanted to kiss him. I always wanted to kiss him. I wanted to do more. I wanted to slam him down and-

"Would you like to help us or just sit there gazing in eachothers eyes like a chick flick movie."

"Where have you been watching chick flicks?" I asked, pushing up to help them organize the books. Damian did not get up and instead laid with his head in his hands like a pampered prince.

I grabbed a particularly heavy book and dropped it on his stomach making him yelp. "Damn it, ok I'll help!" He huffed, picking himself up.

"You can do the encyclopedias, it's shouldn't be hard since you just have to make the title match, so even you can't mess it up." Hanson said, handing him the box of the "world encyclopedia" Books.

He cussed under his breath making me slap the back of his head on 'accident' with a dictionary. We don't have many books that aren't textbooks or the Bible.

"Oh darling, your love is so evident" he sneered at me, pinching my thigh when the others weren't looking.

"We may not watch y'all but could you contain the PDA to in front of Mother Katherine? She would enjoy it much more." Jack giggled from the aisle over. Damian's face went red and I gave him the "told you so" face.

"Just jealous Jack, sorry I found preacher boy over here hotter than you."

"I thank God everyday for blessings like that. I couldn't have wannabe rockstar over here ruining my sleep schedule."

I went red and slammed my face into my hands.

"Oh don't worry, he's ruined mine, my bed shares the same wall." Hanson tacked on. "How's the daily worship going Tom? I heard you screaming Gods holy name all night."

I drew my hands away and threw a copy of "Analysis of Genesis" at his head. "Watch your mouth."

"Funny that's the same thing you told Damian last night when you two fu-" this time the book came from Damian hitting Jack.

"Do you want our help or your impending murder by my hands?" Damian spat as he revved up to throw down with Jack.

The two wrestled, knocking over a huge pile of Bibles all over the floor that Hanson painstakingly stacked, causing Hanson to join as I skimmed through a homeopathic medicine book.

"Save me! Thomas this is not fair they're both coming at me!"

"I wouldn't help you for a million dollars."

"Love you too..." he sneered before being suplexed into the bookshelf.

They tumbled until they were tired and we went to dinner, making the day entirely unproductive. Damian rubbed it in my face that he still won without me, which was debatable seeings as it looked like he just wouldn't give up.

We carried on to the common room, sitting with the others in a slightly awkward silence, especially as Damian wouldn't stop humming some pop song. He said it was Taylor Swift, whom I know of but everything I know I've learned without my consent. Pop star politics are more intense than real politics.

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