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I woke up and felt him wrapped around me still, gently snoring.

God if he knew how suggestive this was. But he didnt, and Im thankful for that.

I should stop this, be I get hurt and he ends up hating himself cause he thinks having a hard on is a hell worthy sin.

I ran my finger across his lips, feeling how soft they were. I wanted to bite those lips. Or... well... use them for something else.

God Im sick, he's definitely too good for me.

I unwrapped myself from him, and saw his eyes flutter. Brown like dirt. Boring. But they looked pretty on him. All of him was so plain, from his hair to his clothes, but he is so beautiful that it balances out.

I really need to stop.

"What time is it?" He asked, still half asleep.

I glanced at the clock, "9:00 am."

He rolled over and out of bed, stripping as he always did.

"Absolutely no shame." I chuckled as he stripped of his pants and boxers.

"No need to be shameful." He said as he did on the first day.

I couldn't help glancing at him, taking him in, watching him dress. How could God make him this fucking gorgeous and then get pissy when I want to fuck him.

He glanced back at me, "C'mon mate, get dressed."

I lazily undressed, albeit with some covering up behind the bed. Back on was the dumb alb thing. Wizard robe more like. I looked like Leia with this stupid thing.

"Ok so, today we have normal church, then after we need to tend the garden together, its our week."

"Huh? What do you mean 'our week'?"

"Its our big chore for the week, then next its Ash and Sampson's"

"Ugh, kill me now."

That meant we had to go pick a bunch of fruit and vegetables in this heat, and I dreaded it with all of my soul. At least I could get a good nap in during church to have some energy.

We went on to the sermon, Father Noah spewing something about lying, and I fell asleep about 15 minutes in, to Thomas's dismay.

He woke me up with the old ice bucket of water and we went on with the day. At least now though, he was speaking with me.

"Whats it like in America?" He asked as we cleaned the pews.

"Um, well it depends on where you are. Like New York City is really fun, as long as you stay away from the bad areas, and LA is really superficial and totally overrated. I spent most of my time in north Carolina though. Really boring."

He nodded along, "What about the mid-west?"

"The midwest is a collective fever dream, it doesnt actually exist. It was made up for the Wizard of Oz."

He blinked surprised. "Oh."

I laughed, "Just kidding, its really hot, filled with a bunch of fields and cows."

We small talked for a while, talking about what the Wizard of Oz is because the guy's never seen a movie.

I filled my sponge with soap and scrubbed the wooden seats that seemed to be purposefully uncomfortable.

"You know, we have a lot in common." He said out of no where.


"Well, we are both orphans, we both never met our parents, never had the same family for longer than 5 years."

Sin For Me (bxb)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz