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I laughed as he stripped right in front of us, throwing the dress in her face. A pair of tighty-whiteys keeping him from being completely naked.

"Ugh... it's all stretched out now! You even look at my clothes again I'll end you."

He rolled his eyes and came back down and kissed me, and I happily replied by pulling his hips into mine.

"OUT OF MY ROOM!" She screamed, batting us away with a rolled up magazine.

Arthur giggled and pulled me out of the room, and Blue slammed it behind us.

I followed him down the hall and to his own room. Windows opened the entire room up to the vast city scape below us. A hundred feet down I could see little people going and leaving their cars. The busy bees trudging along with suitcases and ties. I leaned against the window to see down. That's when I heard the shower start and stream.

Arthur hands slipped under my shirt as he kissed against my neck, "Well since we were so rudely interrupted, would you like to come take a shower with me?" He nipped.

I spun and met his eager lips as he dragged our intermingled bodies to his bathroom. The water had already steamed up the room and mirror. I pulled off my shirt as he got on his knees to take off my pants.

I wonder what Thomas is doing right now.

Arthur stripped me down and I followed him into the steaming hot water that poured over our bodies. I felt Arthur's skin, studied how his eyes looked under the direct light.

Like honey. Like Thomas'.

No... not right now. Anything but him.

I leaned back as Arthur began leaving a trail of kisses until my waist line. My eyes rolled back as his lips wrapped around my dick, making me grip the shower rod to keep from slipping down.

He was good, real good. His tongue knew what to do. He had experience... unlike Thomas.


I ran my hands through Arthur's thick hair. He looked up at me with innocent doe eyes that I could sink into. I beckoned him up. He listened and I spun him against the wall, palming his ass, landing a soft spank, earning me a chirp of approval from his lips.

I pushed his hands up and pinned them down, using my free hand to jerk him off. His knees went weak, making me the only thing keeping him standing.

Arthur's moans weren't reserved or trembling, they were loud and approving. The kind of noise from a man who knew what he wanted. I slapped his ass again, making him shudder and moan. I kept going until I knew he wouldn't be able to hold his climax much longer, letting go completely. He whimpered, biting his lip.

Like how Thomas used to.

I finished him off, and pulled back.

He turned to kiss me, but I couldn't kiss back, feeling the pounding in my chest. I wanted to go home... I wanted to be with him. Not here with some guy I just met. I wanted to be gone.

"What's wrong?" He asked, eyes still lustful.

I shook my head and stepped out of the shower, he followed and wrapped his arms around me, "Don't you want me to do something for you? You never finished." He attempted, pulling me into him.

"I want to go home... I'm sorry I shouldn't have led you on."

He looked confused. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, I just cant. I lied."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm falling in love with him."

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