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"Bastard, piece of shit, fucking loser ass goddamn fucking-"

My pillow sent down flying across our room as I punched it over and over again. When the pillow wasn't enough, my knuckles bled against the hardwood floors.

"Motherfucking asshole!" I screamed as my fist slammed into the ground, a crack audible as it made impact.

I stared down at my hand as it turned a deep purple.

Agony throbbed like nothing I had felt before as I cradled it against my chest, blood oozing onto my shirt and mixing with the rain water.

Someone slammed open the door and began yelling what was wrong until they saw me, pulling me back to look at my blood covered chest and hand.

Mother Katherine.

Of all people, she had to be the one to hear me screaming.

I pulled away and tried to scoot over with my hand but it only made me scream out as the bones cracked further.

"Damien! Good lord child! Stay still, I'll help you get up," she clamored as she thrusted her arm under my shoulders to drag me up.

I struggled half heartedly as my arm screamed in pain, but her grip was steadfast and kept me still as I was pulled out into the hall.

The other boys popped out of their rooms to look at whatever was going on, eyes going wide as they saw my hand and the blood covering my chest. Jack jumped to my side, hoisting my shoulder and helping me down the halls and through the church to the infirmary even as my body felt like collapsing to the ground.

I gritted my teeth and forced myself upright, the pain making every movement send a pang of anguish through my wrist and arm.

Blood dripped behind us as they dragged me forward, a trail of red splotches on white marble. It soaked my shirt as my hand laid limp on my chest, gasps of agony ripping out until they finally made it to the doors of the infirmary.

Mother Katharine placed me precariously on top of a chair, the only electric light in the entire premises flickering on as she inspected the damage.

Jack went pale, "Damien your hand's completely broken,"

I didn't want to look, shock and adrenaline coursing through me. But I peered down and he was right, my palm was swollen beyond imagine and my last knuckle made a jagged line where the bone was meant to be straight.

I nearly passed out as Mother Katherine touched it as gently as she could to lay it on the table, "We have to bring you to a hospital,"

I shook my head fervently, "This happens, just... fuck!"

I had tried to move my hand just to wave her off, my bones crunching with the movement.

"Jack, use the phone there, call an ambulance now," she said quickly, focusing on keeping me still, "Damien, we can't set this here, I'm bringing you to the hospital,"

I shook my head again but she ignored me, using gauze to press against the bleeding making me scream. After that, I saw black.

I don't know how long I was out, or when I really came back completely. The first thing I remember is opening my eyes to bright white lights inside a moving vehicle, and the sound of the sirens outside.

I wasn't awake for long though, only long enough to hear Mother Katherine speaking quickly and anxiously to the attendant. The EMT looked down at my arm, now in a split with blood soaked gauze, my other hand also wrapped up.

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