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The bastard climbed into his bed, acting high and mighty as he pulled back the sheets.

Fine I thought miserably, let him.

But... something something... the mind is willing, the flesh is weak.

I grabbed his ankle as he went to lay down and pulled him half off the bed, my other hand grabbing his waist to pull him the rest of the way down. He attempted to twist away, but the moment his feet hit the ground I gripped his hips and kept him squarely in front of me.

His mind seemed to reset as he settled in front of me, staring with blank eyes as I looked him over.

Thomas my idiotic side of my mind screamed, mine, mine, all mine, forever.

The more rational side took over my mouth, "What the hell do you want with me,"

Confusion swam in his eyes, "I- I don't- Damian I-"

I shook my head and pressed him against the wood of the bunk bed. I split his legs apart with my knee and forced a reaction out of him, "Is this it? Just sex?"

He shook his head so hard the grip I had around him faltered and he shoved me back.

I huffed as I went to grab him again, instead meeting his own bruising grip on my shoulders as he slammed me against the wall.

"You think... that I only want you... for that?"

Some sick shade of laughter fell from my lips, dry and humorless, "Pfft, I honestly couldn't tell ya, I don't fucking know you at all,"

The grip on my shoulders went from bruising to truly painful. "That's not true, you... you said-"

"Words don't mean shit, Tom, I'd know," I submitted to his grip and leaned back, my head tipping against the wall.

His hands fell to his sides as he looked away. I didn't need to look at his face to know tears slipped down. I also couldn't look at his face, because I'd cry too.

And I was done crying over this.

"I'm not going to keep doing this to you," or me. "It's not working,"

I finally looked down as the words left my mouth. And I was faced with the consequence of them.

He wasn't angry.

He wasn't crying.

He just looked... cold.

"I agree,"

I forced my eyes to meet his. "Okay, then we stop,"

He nodded, clipped and sharp.

Okay. It was over. This... is over. Forever. He... we are... there's no we anymore.

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