Car Rides

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I toweled myself off, grabbing my clothes and pulling them off.

"You're a real fucking asshole, you know." He spat as I left the room looking for his sister. She was in the living room eating popcorn.

"I know, I never should have left the church to begin with. I'm sorry. Hey Blue," her head turned towards me, "mind driving me home?"

She nodded and grabbed her keys.

"So that's it? You're just leaving me?!"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh come on, you act like you were gonna pursue a relationship with me, you would have left me after we were done anyways."

He huffed and slammed his door, leaving it to just me and Blue as we went down the elevator to her car.

"You're a dickhead, but I respect it." She said, pulling out on to the road.

"Thanks for... drugging me I guess?" I joked. She let out a laugh and started speeding down the highway.

"Its probably smart that you ended that," She told me, "We arent the right people for you Damian."

"That's probably right, Blue. I do have one question though."

"What is it?"

"Why is everything you own pink." I teased, motioning to the pink condom package she had in her glove box.

"It subverts you expectations, doesnt it? It surprises you. Its the opposite of what you would expect. That's what I strive for."

"I guess... anyways do you know where you're going?" I asked.

"To the church right? Back to jesus and shit?"

I let out a short laugh, moving towards the window and watching the swirl of colors pass by.

"I don't know what to do, Blue, I feel like he won't ever let go enough... enough for me to be with him."

"Then you move on, don't wait around for a frozen heart to thaw, you'll freeze your own."

I pressed the pads of my fingers to my temples, "see, you say that, Father Noah says to wait around, and Mother Katherine says to just give up gayness all together."

"Your preacher wants you two together!?" She gasped.

"More than that, he thinks it's the best thing for Thomas. Encouraged him to sin because it would get it out of his system. Said he could pray for forgiveness later."

Blue's eyes were wide, "I- ok. Is it one of those churches that are ok with gays?" She asked.

I remembered the first sermon where the man told the crowd they would go to hell for gay sex, or sex in general. "Quite the opposite. Actually makes sense how back and forth Tom is, his own pasture can't get his beliefs straight."

"Damn... well Damian, let me ask you one last thing, what do you want to do?"

"I want to be with him." I revealed without thinking.

"Then fuck what everyone else thinks, fight for him, you owe it to yourself." She advised, stopping the car.

I smiled at her, nodding once, and left the car, "Thanks, it was a good time with you guys."

She smiled back, "Go get you man Damian. By the way,"

I raised a brow.

"My names pink, I lied." She smirked and drove off.

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